

天有时刻阴晴对应英文:Day and time

应该是天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福 【读 音】ā ǒ ù è ē ú,é ǒ à ī ò ú   【释 义】不测料想不到。比喻有些灾祸的发生,事先是无法预料的。...对应英文:Should the weather is unpredictable, people have good and bad fortune [sound]. I read ù è e ú, é ǒ à ī ò ú [righteousness] accident unexpected release. Analogy some disasters, in advance is not expected. ...

褒义是说,没有任何事情是圆满的,你更不能求全。贬义是说,你资质太差,就别想了。对应英文:You mean, nothing is perfect, you can't blame. A mean, your quality is too poor, don't want to.

蚂蚁搬家蛇过道,大雨马上就来到。 日落胭脂红,无雨也有风。 朝霞不出门,晚霞行千里。 久晴大雾必阴,久雨大雾必晴。 朝虹雨,夕虹晴。 有雨山戴帽,没雨山没腰。 月色朦...对应英文:Ants moving snake aisle, heavy rain will come soon. Sunset carmine, no rain or wind. Asaka not to go out, sunset line thousands of miles. Long sunny fog will Yin, jiuyu fog will clear. Toward evening rain rainbow, rainbow sunny. A rain hat, no rain no waist. The moonlight dim...

不仅如此,月亮周期性的阴晴圆缺还是人们自古以来制定历法的根据之一。 月亮围绕地球公转,同时也自转,两者... 月亮为什么会有阴晴圆缺的变化呢大家知道,月亮本身不发光,...对应英文:Not only that, the moon wanes or periodic people since ancient times, according to one of the calendar. The moon revolves around the earth, but also rotation, both... Why the moon the moon changes. As we all know, the moon has no light of its own,...

月亮为什么会有阴晴圆缺的变化呢大家知道,月亮本身不发光,只是把照射在它上面的太阳光的一部分反射出来,...此后,月亮升起的时间越来越迟,月亮也逐渐丰满起来。约在朔后...对应英文:Why is the moon will have the moon changes. As we all know, the moon has no light of its own, just put it in the above the sun light irradiation part reflected,... Then, the moon rises more and more time later, the moon also gradually plump. After about in the new age...

高兴时喜笑颜开 眉开眼笑、兴高采烈、心花怒放、喜上眉梢、喜出望外 欢天喜地、欣喜若狂、手舞足蹈、喜气洋洋发怒时暴跳如雷、火冒三丈、怒气冲冲、勃然大怒、怒不...对应英文:Happy smile look cheerful, be jubilant, be wild with joy, look very happy, be full of joy be overjoyed, tread, dance with joy, be bursting with happiness when the anger of stamp with rage, be ablaze with anger, fly, fly into a rage, anger not...

世上没有十全十美的事,缺憾也是一种美,就像断臂的维纳斯一样~对应英文:There is no perfect things, regret is a kind of beauty, like Brokeback Venus

但天有时刻阴晴,且北海在海边,为了预防天气变凉,还是准备一份长袖衫和长裤为好.对应英文:But days are always broken, and Beihai in the sea, in order to prevent the weather become cool, or prepare a long sleeved shirt and trousers as well

不敢看你忧郁的双眼再多的感慨都化成了无言女有多少花开花谢阴晴圆缺依然想你当初的笑脸你给我留下了无尽...初的少年我永远怀念你陪我走过的每一天有多少花开花谢阴晴...对应英文:Can't see your sad eyes again much emotion into the silent woman how many flower moon still want you smile you leave me endless... First boy I always miss you walked with me every day how many flower rain...

夜里他梦到了那位算命先生对自己说,陛下怎么还有心思睡觉呢,不怕天有时刻阴晴,人有旦夕福祸吗....赵匡胤随即惊醒,连忙到外面观看,果然天气骤变,白天还万里无云,现在却...对应英文:At night he dreamed that the fortune teller said to himself, his majesty how also thought to sleep, not days time weather, people have something weal and woe.... Zhao Kuangyin immediately woke up, hurriedly to the outside to watch, and the sudden change in the weather, daytime cloudless, but now...


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