

重赏之下死士多对应英文:All slain many

在商鞅变法中最早提及秦王欲着商鞅进行改革,强化国家,然本国多为守旧贵族当权,不好办事。故商鞅于城门贴皇榜将此大木柱扛至某处者赏金多少多少。大多人都不信--哪来...对应英文:In Shang Yang s the earliest mention of Qin to Shang Yang reform, strengthen national, but its more conservative aristocracy in power, not good. So Shang Yang on the gate post emperor list the large wooden shoulders to somewhere much person bounty. Most people do not believe in -- even to...

重赏以令死士,其必济"。这句古语翻译成现代语言的意思是夺取贼兵的财物,吃他们的粮食,以重赏来命令敢死的士兵,那样一定能够成功。对应英文:In order to make the one slain, will aid". The old adage translated into modern language means to seize his property, eat their food, to give generous rewards to command a suicide soldiers, that will be successful.

一般认为是命令,当放在整句有些说不过去用重的赏赐来命令将士卖命应该译成激励。用重的赏赐来激励将士卖命。对应英文:Is generally believed that the command, when placed in the sentence some justified by heavy reward to command troops should be translated into incentive. With heavy reward to motivate soldiers.

恩,宾语前置~~用。。来~~对应英文:Well, the more ~ ~ by.. To ~ ~

个问题。。。 哪怕我并不知道要怎么回答,我也硬着头皮上, 只是因为你会给很多的奖励。。。 就是这个样子~~~ 嘿嘿!很好吧~~~对应英文:A problem... Even if I don't know how to answer, I also crustily skin of head, just because you give a lot of reward... This is what ~ ~ ~ Hey! Very well

是莽夫!对吗对应英文:It is rash

对应英文:This is a tool based on Google Translator !

"重赏之下必有勇夫"这句俗语,本义原也无可厚非。可时下有些人把它" 引"入军营生活,以为悬赏种种实惠,就能...往往并不曾想过能不能获得什么重赏。比如钱学森、袁隆平、...对应英文:"There must be rewarded under the brave" this proverb, meaning was no ground for blame. But nowadays some people call it "lead" into the camp, all the benefits that reward, can... Often does not have thought can obtain what rewards. For example, Tsien Hsueshen, Yuan Longping,...

于是,商鞅将赏金提高到金。重赏之下必有勇夫,终于有人站起将木头扛到了北门。商鞅立即赏了他五十金。商鞅这一举动,在百姓心中树立起了威信,而商鞅接下来的变法就很...对应英文:So, Shang Yang will reward to gold. Rewards for bad behavior, finally someone stood up and will carry out to the north. Shang Yang immediately gave him fifty gold. Shang Yang this move, in people's hearts up prestige, and Shang Yang the next reform is...



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