

一山不容二虎对应英文:If two men ride on a tiger

体育和腐败是一山不容二虎。对应英文:Sports and corruption is if two men ride on a tiger.

我们都很清楚,一个国家不能有两个女王(一山不容二虎)。对应英文:We are very clear, a country cannot have two queen (if two men ride on a tiger).

历史上无论何时都是“一山不容二虎”,比如PC机和Mac苹果机、谷歌和其他搜索引擎,否则往往总有一方要“抓狂”。对应英文:Whenever you are in the history of "if two men ride on a tiger", such as PC and Mac, Google and other search engines, or often one party will "crazy".

体育和腐败是一山不容二虎。对应英文:Sports and corruption is if two men ride on a tiger.

历史上无论何时都是“一山不容二虎”,比如PC机和Mac苹果机、谷歌和其他搜索引擎,否则往往总有一方要“抓狂”。对应英文:Whenever you are in the history of "if two men ride on a tiger", such as PC and Mac, Google and other search engines, or often one party will "crazy".



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