

盛名之下无虚士对应英文:Under the famous without virtual scholar

和盛名之下难副其实正好相反的意思~~~意思就是有着和盛名相称的行为和语言~~~当然~~这句话~~整体看~~是一种语气式的肯定说法了~~~对应英文:And under the deputy in fact just the opposite meaning ~ ~ ~ means with famous commensurate behaviour and language of course ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ this sentence is a whole tone type confirmation

紫川文笔确实很好,盛名之下无虚士,这本书我没读出多深的内涵,不过这书据说有过坎坷经历的人看才会读出其中内涵! 天行健!这一幅波澜壮阔的历史史书,在这部小说中,...对应英文:By writing is really good, well under no false gentleman, this book I didn't read the meaning deep, but this book is said to have experienced the ups and downs of people will read its content! Heaven! This a surge high and sweep forward historical records, in this novel,...

电动车最好还是信赖大品牌 盛名之下无虚士啊 还是买新日的 雅迪 爱玛或者绿原的吧。个人意见 仅供参考对应英文:Electric cars better trust brand reputation without virtual person ah or buy day HARTING Emma or Lv Yuan. Personal opinion is for reference only

紫川文笔确实很好,盛名之下无虚士,这本书我没读出多深的内涵,不过这书据说有过坎坷经历的人看才会读出其中内涵! 天行健篇幅很长,太监很久的战争类。。这是一幅波澜...对应英文:By writing is really good, well under no false gentleman, this book I didn't read the meaning deep, but this book is said to have experienced the ups and downs of people will read its content! Tianxingjian long, eunuch long war.. This is a picture of the waves...

紫川文笔确实很好.盛名之下无虚士.这本书我没读出多深的内涵.不过这书据说有过坎坷经历的人看才会读出其中内涵! 天行健!这一幅波澜壮阔的历史史书.在这部小说中....对应英文:By writing is really good. Well under no false scholar. This book I didn't read the meaning more than deep. But this book is said to have experienced the ups and downs of people will read its content! Heaven! This a surge high and sweep forward history history. In this novel...

其次,盛名之下无虚士,名校在教学经验上要成熟,利于学习第三,名校有一定的文化底蕴,对学生的精神和行为起到潜移默化的作用,有助于人格培养。对应英文:Secondly, under the famous without virtual scholar, schools in the teaching experience to mature, conducive to learning third, schools have a certain culture, to student's spirit and behavior to influence character by environment effects, contribute to the cultivation of personality.

盛名之下无虚士,即便是小兵,能力也比草包司令强。 那就是中央官员和地方官员的区别啊对应英文:Under the famous without virtual person, even if is the soldier, ability is better than good command of strong. The difference is that the central and local officials

绿水长留,我们后会有期 久仰大名,如雷贯耳 久仰久仰,失敬失敬 果然盛名之下无虚士 问天下英雄舍我其谁 天堂有路你不走,地狱无门你偏来 甲乙兄,久仰久仰,阁下今日光临...对应英文:Green water is long, we see you around I've heard so much about you, said of sb.'s name name precedes you, sorry sorry really well under no false scholar asked the world heroes who heaven have road you don't go, hell no you partial to a brother, Ku Ku, to you today...

烦有些无奈地摇了摇头叹道"狂刀那人虽然狂妄自大,却还是有点儿本事的,盛名之下无虚士,十大战队的战 阵几乎都经过了上千年的沉淀,非一日两日之功啊,冕下战队成员实力...对应英文:Bother some reluctantly shook his head and sighed "crazy knife that although people proud as Lucifer, but still a little skill, known under no false scholar, battle array of ten corps of almost all after thousands of years of sedimentation, not a day to two day. Ah, under the crown Corps member strength...

以秦霜估计,他们的实力也就和那正面击杀了地榜九十九名的千寂灭一样,吊在末尾罢了,盛名之下无虚士,任何一个地榜强者都不能小觑。 走!"几人身形闪动,向着傲风三人追过...对应英文:The Qin cream estimation, their strength is positive and that struck the ground ninety-nine name list of thousands of dead, hanging at the end of it, under the famous without virtual person, any one who cannot belittle list. Go! "Flashing a few figure, to take three people chase...


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