

出家人不说在家话对应英文:The monk doesn't say at home

出家人不说在家话 什么身份说什么话,什么身份做什么事。从小离娘到大话长 指经历了很多曲折或艰辛,一言难尽。胆小不得将军做基本属于劝进,教导人在机会来临时,不要...对应英文:The monk doesn't say what words in words what identity, what Id do what thing. It's a long story to tell that experienced many twists and turns and difficult, complicated. Timid not general belong to an, taught in the opportunity comes, don't...

诸恶莫作,众善奉行,自净其意,是诸佛教。对应英文:Likewise, pursue the public good, to purify the will, is the buddhism.

是"不知道"对应英文:I don't know.

扫地不伤蝼蚁命 爱惜飞蛾纱罩灯~~对应英文:Sweep the floor does not injury nonentities life cherish moths mantle lamp

在家修行就是没有出家啊。一般称在家修行的佛弟子为居士。俗家弟子把僧人请到家里供奉的情况也是有的,但这个不是常态。对应英文:The practice at home is not a monk. The general said the disciple of the Buddha is the Buddhist practice. The monk is dedicated to a lay disciple situation there, but this is not the normal.

我在这里见到过很多僧人呢,这里也有寺庙,还有山寨版的大名山~~~感觉佛教在加拿大发展蛮给力的对应英文:I have seen many monks here, there are temples, and copycat version of the famous mountains of Buddhism in Canada ~ ~ ~ I feel pretty awesome

意为居财之士、居家之士,指在家志求佛道者,居家学佛之士。 和尚指德高望重的出家修持佛法的人。意译为亲教师、力生、近诵、依学、...对应英文:For people in finance, the home - the demand at home, and will, home Buddhist scholar. Be of noble character and high prestige monk to monk to practice the Dharma. Dear teachers, students try to force, near chanting, according to science,...

空即是色!有木有。对应英文:Emptiness is form have.

我记得我小时侯看,当时有句话,我记得蛮深的"酒肉穿肠过,佛祖心中留",也就是说出家也好,不结婚也好,不能吃晕也好,其实只是一个形式,如果这些都做到了,但是人的心没有向...对应英文:I remember when I was young, there was word, I remember quite deep "I pass through the intestines, the Buddha heart", is a good, not to get married or not to eat, halo or, in fact, is just a form, if these are done, but the heart not to...

"出家人不打诳语"这句话的出处是源于佛家五戒中的"不妄语"对应英文:"Family not dozen Kuang language" the provenance of this word is derived from the Buddhist precepts in the "not to lie"


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