

日有所思夜有所想对应英文:Riyousuosi be like night

早上想什么,晚上就梦什么对应英文:To what the morning, evening dream what

.不过楼的翻译 , , ,相当有创意啊。佩服。对应英文:But building translation,,, very creative. Terrific.

. 日 . , ...对应英文:At day,...

我们日常生活中有这样一种谚语叫"日有所思,夜有所梦"。这句话对不对呢应该说有一部分是经验之谈,也有一部分是科学根据。对于梦的解释,古今中外都有很多解释。比如说...对应英文:In our daily life, there is a saying called "Riyousuosi, night has a dream". Is this sentence correct it should be said that there is a part is the wise remark of an experienced person, there is a scientific basis. The interpretation of dreams, at all times and in all countries have a lot of interpretation. For example...

白天所思念所看到的,到了晚上有脑子里也会想,有回影出邮现!也就是所谓的回忆!对应英文:You see during the day, the will also think back to the night, shadow mail now! Is the so-called memory!

是有所思、夜有报梦是没错的,你想的一些事情想的太多了在梦中很自然的会出现,因为大脑皮层的活跃成度不同,造成了你有一些思想,特别是一些潜在的想法在你的脑海中出现...对应英文:Is thinking, the night has dream is true, some of the things you want to think too much in dreams occur spontaneously, because the brain cortex active degree is different, cause you have some ideas, especially some of the underlying idea appears in your mind...

清醒的时候你自觉或不自觉的反复考虑某人某事,晚上睡着后就很可能梦到。对应英文:Awake when you consciously or unconsciously think sb of sth, night fell asleep after he probably dreamed.

白天思考的问题放不下的.晚上做梦也会梦到比如人和事都有可能...对应英文:The question is not put at night dream will dream like people and things are possible...

后者几乎不可能吧!磁场好像不允许吧!前者是对的!对应英文:The latter is almost impossible! Magnetic field as if does not allow the former is right!

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