

当面鼓对面锣对应英文:In the face of the gong drum
  当面鼓对面锣   拼音:    解释: 1.见"当面锣对面鼓"。  




当面锣,对面鼓 比喻面对面地商量、对证或争论。对应英文:Argue face to face to face, on metaphor discuss or debate.

"当面鼓,对面锣",这句话在寿县已成谚语,寓意是有话当面讲,说话要算数。 是褒义词----是说人诚实守信----对应英文:"In the face of the drum, Gong", this sentence is a proverb in Shouxian County, which have something to say, say to count. Is a commendatory term, is honest and trustworthy

说话总是当面锣、对面鼓,从不在背后谈论别人是非,我非常喜欢他的德行。对应英文:Always speak face to face, gongs, drums opposite, never talk about people behind their backs is non, I love his virtue very.

当面锣对面鼓有什么事情当面把它说清楚(解决它) 白日黑夜连轴转昼夜不停的意思。对应英文:Dangmianluo duimiangu what things to make it clear (it) day and night working around the clock.

一定的时间里就发展的特别快,能迅速壮大起来. 当面锣对面鼓比喻面对面地商量、对证或争论。 烂船也有三斤铁 比喻不好的东西也有可利用的、不可小看的成分。对应英文:A certain period of time on the development of very fast, can quickly grow up. Dangmianluo duimiangu analogy to talk over, check or debate. Lousy ship has three catties iron analogy not good things are available, not be underestimated ingredients.

我用妈妈最漂亮的衣服做出了一件我自以为无与伦比的洋娃娃衣服,妈妈知道后怒不可遏,拿起剪刀,在顷刻,那件洋娃娃衣服化为乌有。对应英文:My mother is the most beautiful clothes to make a thing I think incomparable doll clothes, mother know after the furious, picked up the scissors, in an instant, the doll clothes come to nothing.

的主意。只有我和你,一局定输赢,别耍花招。巴金《春》"爹常常骂他,他也不在乎,就当作耳边风一样。"绝对统治者厌恶的一点,就是妨碍他们个人专制的绊脚石。政客们都是...对应英文:Idea. Just you and me, one round, don't play games. Ba Jin's "spring" "Dad often scolded him, he didn't care, as the ears the wind. "A little absolute ruler of disgust, the stumbling block is impeding their personal rule. Politicians are...

办事要光明正大,不要在背后搞小动作。对应英文:Work to work in just ways, not tricks behind.

耍滑头比喻施展诡诈手段. 唱高调光说不办. 下马威一开始就向对方显示的威力对应英文:Play fox analogy display deceit means. High sounding light said not to do. And start to show the power of

发麻的感觉,鼓或锣面停止震动。对应英文:Numb feeling, drum or Gong surface stop motion.


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