

早起的鸟儿捉虫多对应英文:Many early birds catch

对,所以小偷只能夜里出来对应英文:On, so the thief can only come out at night

早起的鸟儿有虫吃 说到汗水,我想起妈妈常说的一句话早起的鸟有虫吃。在我看来,这句话的含义是,想要比别人...你是虫子吗妈妈以为你愿意做小鸟呢!反正我和你爸爸都喜欢...对应英文:The early bird catches the worm that sweat, I think of my mother used to say the early bird catches the worm. In my opinion, the meaning of this sentence is, want... You are bugs you mother think you are willing to do the birds! Anyway, your dad and I love...

先下手为强,不过这是有条件的 早起的鸟儿有虫吃,早起的虫子被鸟吃 似乎就是他的驳论,所以,如同楼上的兄弟说的,要结合实际,同一种举动为什么在不同的情形下有差别巨大...对应英文:First, there are conditions. The early bird catches the worm, the early worm eaten by the bird seems to be his refutation, therefore, upstairs brother like that, combined with the actual, the same move why in different situations have a huge difference...

.早起的鸟儿有虫吃。对应英文:The early bird will catch the worm.

对应英文:This is a tool based on Google Translator !

. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。对应英文:The early bird will catch the worm.

白天都休息,早起的鸟儿,正好碰上勤奋的或是加班的虫子,还没下班或正好 下班.刚好让早起的鸟儿发现而被吃,不幸的事就发生了,要是早点下班休息,再早的鸟儿也吃不着他们...对应英文:Day breaks, the early bird, just hit the hard work or overtime worms, no work or just work. Just let the early bird found and eaten, the unfortunate thing happened, if leave work early to rest, then early birds eat them not...

"早起的鸟儿有虫吃"是说应该勤奋,可接下来的"早起的虫儿被鸟吃"又否定了勤奋。看来,问题不在于早起,而是该谁做什么就做什么,不该谁做什么就不要去做。大丈夫当相时而...对应英文:"The early bird catches the worm" is said to be diligent, but "the early worm eaten by the bird" and denied the diligence. Look, the problem is not to get up early, but the who do what do what, not what to who do not to do. When the phase and husband...

早起的鸟儿有虫吃--古训   早起的鸟儿有虫吃,这是很多孩子被长辈教诲的话。似乎只要勤奋,不管朝哪个方向...如果你是鸟,因为早起,可能丰衣足食。但是如果你是虫子,一旦...对应英文:The early bird catches the worm -- an early bird catches the worm, which is a lot of children are taught the words of elders. It seems as long as the hard-working, no matter which direction... If you are a bird, because in the early, may have ample food and clothing. But if you are a worm, once...

早起的鸟一定会有虫吃!但是早起的虫子不一定被鸟吃!要看它是否有洞察力.理论联系实际做的怎么样.基础做好的话.就可以做好隐蔽工作.不但鸟吃不到,还没有了竞争对手!...对应英文:The early bird will eat worms! But the early worm may not be eaten by the bird! To see whether it is insight. How to link theory with practice to do. Do the basic words. You can do a good job in hidden work. Not only birds not to eat, not rivals!...


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