

不见兔子不撒鹰对应英文:Could not withdraw Eagle

不见兔子不撒鹰--做事稳当就是不做没有把握的事对应英文:Could not withdraw Eagle -- things well is not do not grasp

不见兔子不撒鹰--做事稳当这个说法应该说民间某个抓兔子的地方传出来的吧。 兔子动作敏捷,一般来说比较难捉,但是有了鹰就大不一样了。鹰视觉敏锐、飞行迅速,高高的看...对应英文:Could not withdraw Eagle - do well this statement should say the folk a catch rabbits place came out. The rabbit agile, generally more difficult to catch, but with the eagle is not as big. The eagle vision acuity, fast flying high, see...

这个说法应该说民间某个抓兔子的地方传出来的吧。 兔子动作敏捷,一般来说比较难捉,但是有了鹰就大不一样了。鹰视觉敏锐、飞行迅速,高高的看到兔子,一个俯冲下来就抓到...对应英文:It should be said folk a catch rabbits place came out. The rabbit agile, generally more difficult to catch, but with the eagle is not as big. Eagle flight visual acuity, rapid, high see a rabbit, a dive down and caught...

没有出现明确的目标,就不会采取切实的行动,形容做事稳当,沉着稳重等,有时候有贬义银行是不见兔子不撒鹰,不拿到客户的抵质押物,是不会贷款给你的。 公司真的是不见兔子不撒鹰...对应英文:No clear goals, take effective action will not, describe things steady, calm, sometimes bad bank could not withdraw eagle, do not get the customer's collateral material, are not lending to you. The company is really could not withdraw eagle...

不见兔子不撒鹰--做事稳当 就是不做没有把握的事对应英文:Could not withdraw Eagle -- things well is not do not grasp

例子   银行是不见兔子不撒鹰,不拿到客户的抵质押物,是不会贷款给你的。   公司真的是不见兔子不撒鹰啊,在没有拿到客户的项目单子前,坚决不愿意给你加工资,也不...对应英文:Examples of bank is not a rabbit does not spread eagle, do not get the customer's collateral material, are not lending to you. The company is really could not withdraw Eagle ah, did not get in the client project list, determined not to give you a raise in pay, nor...

含义 没有出现明确的目标,就不会采取切实的行动,形容做事稳当,有时候有贬义。例子 银行是不见兔子不撒鹰,不拿到客户的抵质押物,是不会贷款给你的。 公司真的是不见兔子不撒鹰...对应英文:Meaning no clear goals, take effective action will not, describe things well, sometimes pejorative. Examples of bank is not a rabbit does not spread eagle, do not get the customer's collateral material, are not lending to you. The company is really could not withdraw eagle...

这个说法应该说民间某个抓兔子的地方传出来的吧。 兔子动作敏捷,一般来说比较难捉,但是有了鹰就大不一样了。鹰视觉敏锐、飞行迅速,高高的看到兔子,一个俯冲下来就抓...对应英文:It should be said folk a catch rabbits place came out. The rabbit agile, generally more difficult to catch, but with the eagle is not as big. Eagle flight visual acuity, rapid, high see a rabbit, a dive...

.怎样的人谓之"不见兔子不撒鹰"的人没有或者没有发现明确的目标就不采取具体行动的人。.这种人的样子一般来说根据行动目的来分,有正反两种。正面的比如商战中不见...对应英文:At what people called "could not withdraw Eagle" were not or find no clear goal is not to take concrete action. The man looks generally act according to objective to points, there are two ways. No positive such as war...

不见兔子不撒鹰--做事稳当对应英文:Could not withdraw Eagle - work well

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