

人怕见钱鱼怕饵对应英文:People are afraid to see the money if the bait fish

新鱼刚入缸因为对环境不熟悉,都比较胆小、怕人聚集在角落。一两天适应后就不会了,喂食时,轻(注意要轻)敲鱼缸,分次投放。一段时间轻敲鱼缸,鱼就聚集等着喂食了,可能不...对应英文:The new fish just into the cylinder because not familiar with the environment, are more timid, shy gathered in the corner. One or two days after the not, feeding, light (note to light) and tap the fish tank, sub put. A period of time on fish, fish aggregation of feeding, may not...

将人家的真实年龄,说少三五岁,又将人家的东西,明明值二百元的,说成三百元。如果你时常将奉承话说得如此含蓄,朋友便会将你视为知己对应英文:The age of the family, say less three five years old, will somebody else, it is worth two hundred yuan, a three hundred yuan. If you often will flatter words so subtle, friends will be you as one's best friend

面积一般,不包括租金和装修,需要投入多少对应英文:The area in general, not including rent and decoration, need to input the number

拉鱼有专门的车,车上有氧气瓶,你可以去当地菜市场看看,卖鱼的地方肯定有那种车,请人家帮你拉,每个城市都有农产品批发市场,你可以把鱼拉到批发市场批发给人家,但是记得...对应英文:Pull the fish have a special car, an oxygen bottle on the car, you can go to have a look the local vegetable market, selling fish place must have the kind of car, please other people to help you pull, every city has a wholesale market for agricultural products, you can put the fish to the wholesale market to others, but remember...

现在基本上没野生的大黄鱼,都骗人的。只有海捕的,但非野生的,都是放流的或养殖网箱跑出去的。 补充一点有一些大围网养殖的大黄鱼,体型和颜色都和野生的相似,有时冒充...对应英文:Now basically no wild large yellow croaker, are deceptive. Only the sea, but not wild, is releasing or cage ran out. Add a point some Seine cultured large yellow croaker, size and color are similar and wild, sometimes pretending...

厘米左右的海象鱼一般--左右。米的,价格应该能值到多点。问题是,一般人买鱼都不会买这么大的啊。遇见喜欢养大鱼的人,能卖个多的。对应英文:Cm walrus fish -- or so. M, the price should be able to multi point. The problem is, most people buy fish won't buy so much. Meet people like goldfish, can sell more.

有屠人货肉归,日已暮,欻一狼来,瞰担上肉,似甚垂涎,随屠尾行数里。屠惧,示之以刃,少却及走,又从之。屠思狼所欲者肉,不如悬诸树而早取之。遂钩肉,翘足挂树间,示 以空担...对应英文:Slaughter of people and goods to have meat, twilight, suddenly a wolf, Kan Tam meat, like with our very coveted, Tu number. Tu fear, to show the edge, but less and go, and from the. Tu Si wolf wanted the meat, not the trees as early as the suspension. Then hook flesh, smth hanging tree, shown empty...

成都双楠小区龙门巷重庆《翻水鱼》块钱个人 味道霸道 如果走环走就是在音凰那杀进来直接走 其实最好的办法就是带到我去 !!! 免得你们找不到! 双楠菜市场背后!对应英文:Chengdu Shuangnan community Longmen Xiang Chongqing "double fish" dollars personal taste. If you take the ring is in Yinfeng that killed in actually the best way is to go directly to me!!! If you can't find behind Shuangnan market!

你能给你好的质量,只是最重要的),你价格再便宜他骗你一把,你找谁去啊。 另外龙鱼是风水鱼例红龙属火,你要根据自己的命理属性养殖,这样才能达到风水及观赏的双重效果...对应英文:You can give you good quality, is the most important), you cheaper price he deceived you, you who to ah. In addition the dragon fish is Feng Shui fish with red dragon belongs to fire, according to your own numerology attribute culture, so as to achieve the dual effect of Feng Shui and ornamental...

看去哪儿吃吧二百元左右可以吃的实惠又不算太破费对应英文:See where to eat two hundred yuan can eat affordable and not too costly


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