

放屁砸了脚后跟对应英文:Hit the heel fart

就会说喝凉水也塞牙,放屁也砸后脚跟。这两种情况是不可能发生的,而人们这样说只是为了形容运气不好,很倒霉。 与此相反,在形容人很走运时就会说风吹草帽扣鹌鹑--时气...对应英文:They say that drinking cold water are Seya, heel fart. The two cases is not possible, and people say it to describe bad luck, bad luck. On the contrary, the people will say lucky wind hat button quail - gas...

说明此人放屁并非释放气体那么简单。对应英文:That he is not so simple to release the gas.

气鼓鼓 打掉牙往肚里吞--忍气吞声 放屁砸着脚后跟--倒霉透了真倒霉 高兴得四脚爬地--得意忘形对应英文:Like to swallow, swallow insult and humiliation silently heel fart hit - bad luck happy feet climbing - get dizzy with success

鬼吹灯,放屁都砸脚后跟." 至于意思嘛,自己理解吧。对应英文:Ghost blows lamp, hit the heel fart. "As to the meaning, I understand.

放屁砸脚后跟--倒霉透了对应英文:Fart hit the heel - bad

过分小心 放屁咬紧牙--暗里使劲使暗劲 放屁砸着脚后跟--倒霉透了真倒霉对应英文:Excessively cautious fart bite -- secretly and secret force hit the heel fart - bad luck

喝凉水都塞牙,咳嗽一声肋叉子折了,顶风撒尿泚一裤子对应英文:Drink cold water are Seya, cough rib forks bent, pee sweat pants

房门前挖陷阱--自己坑害自己 放屁捂屁股--多加一分小心 放屁砸了脚后跟--真倒霉 放屁打饱嗝--上下通气 放羊的拾柴禾--捎带 放羊娃喊救命--狼来了 放路纸钱--瘾(引)死人...对应英文:The door of dig traps -- his own -- his ass to entrap fart fart smashed a careful heel -- really unlucky fart burp -- -- piggybacking the boy pick up firewood ventilation sheep to shout for help - the wolf put Lu Zhiqian - addiction (lead)...

药是假的 、房顶开门,灶坑打井 、防君子不防小人 、放长线钓大鱼 、放屁砸了脚后跟 、肥的瘦的一锅煮 、肥水不流外人田 、费力不讨好 、费了九...对应英文:The medicine is false, the roof door, fire drill, anti gentleman is not anti villain, go fishing, hit the heel fart, fat thin one pot, fertilizer outsiders do not flow fields, thankless, charges nine...

房顶开门,灶坑打井 、防君子不防小人 、放长线钓大鱼 、放屁砸了脚后跟 、肥的瘦的一锅煮 、肥水不流外人田 、费力不讨好 、费了九牛二虎之力 ...对应英文:The roof door, fire drill, anti gentleman is not anti villain, go fishing, hit the heel fart, fat thin one pot, fertilizer outsiders do not flow fields, thankless, took tremendous effort...


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