

是非终日有对应英文:Not all day long

各种是是非非,每天都存在,但只要我们自己不把它放在眼里,不在意它,它自然无法干扰我们!不怕别人不尊重自己...很多时候我们是无法把是非放在身外的,但我们能尽量让自己轻...对应英文:All right and wrong, there is every day, but as long as we do not put it in the eye, does not care about it, it can't disturb us! Not afraid of other people don't respect yourself... Most of the time we are unable to be non on the outside, but we can try to make their own light...

老鼠对应英文:The mouse

是非终日有,不听自然无 出自元《增广闲文》 题解 有人群的地方就有是非,有相信"是非"的人,就有搬弄是非者的用武之地。《聊斋》中就写到一对原本极为要好的朋友,就因...对应英文:Not all day long, do not listen naturally from the yuan "augmented idle people" problem, the place is not, believe "is not" people, have stir up enmity of the play. "Liaozhai" wrote a pair originally very good friends, because...

但人总是有着各种不同的性格和待人处事的方式,除非是克隆体,否则永远无法达到每事的一致的,因此出现摩擦以至矛盾、冲突就是必然的结果,此时如果不能以一种宽容的精神...对应英文:But people always have different character and the way, unless it is a clone, otherwise never be able to reach every things consistent, so the friction and contradiction, conflict is inevitable, if not in a spirit of tolerance...

是是非非总都是有的,你不去理会它也就没有了意思是说很多琐碎烦人的是非会一直存在,你如果不去在意不理会甚至当听不见它也就不会烦你了对应英文:Right and wrong are some, you ignore it will not mean that many trivial boring is not always there, if you don't mind ignore even when not hear it wouldn't bother you

每天都会有是非流传,只要你不信就没什么问题了 只要自己行为端正,不怕人家不敬重你。对应英文:Every day is not spread, as long as you do not believe no what problem as long as their good behavior, not afraid of people not respect you.

朕整天都不敢懈怠,不但忧念爱惜百姓,也想让你们能够长守富贵。这句话出自《贞观政要》,是唐太宗教育大臣们安分守己,不要贪污的话。对应英文:I dare not let all day, not only care about the people, also want to let you can long keep wealth. This sentence is from the "Zhenguan politicians", is Tang Taizong education ministers remain in one's proper sphere, not corruption.

是是非非 烦心事每天都有 如果一直有欲望 想要求什么 一定会觉得痛苦 无欲无求则可以 截然一身《无欲无求 逍遥自在》对应英文:Right and wrong worry every day if there has been the desire to want to ask what will feel pain without desire can be a "nothing to be leisurely and carefree"

.闲谈。 .无关紧要的话,题外话。 .背后议论他人是非的话不满意的话。唐卫准逸句"莫言闲话是闲话,往往事从闲话来。" .方言。话语。对应英文:Gossip. Be of no great importance. Then, a digression. . others are non words if not satisfied. Tang Weizhun Yi "Mo Yan Gossip Gossip, often from the gossip. "Dialect. Word.

像喝醉酒和做梦那样,昏昏沉沉,糊里糊涂地过日子,不是我想要的生活像船一样随流水漂荡、停泊,到处奔走,居无定所,这也不是我想要的生活。言外之意就是自己是个有志向...对应英文:Like a drunk and dream like, have dizzy spells, in disorderly fashion to live, I do not want to live like a boat drifting with the water, parking, all over the place, of no fixed abode, this is not the life I want. The implication is that he is an ambitious...


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