

大人有大量对应英文:Adults have a lot of

双方平开,双方获胜的几率一样 平手/半球(/.)   让球方打平买它的人输一半,赢一个全赢 半球(.)      让球方打平或者输球买它的全输,赢一个全赢 半球/一球(...对应英文:Both flat open, both sides win probability as tie / hemisphere (.) let the ball with the man who bought it lost half a hemisphere, win win (.) let the ball party draw or buy it lose lose, win win a hemisphere / a ball (...


大人不计小人过 宰相肚里能撑船 海纳百川,有容乃大 大肚能容天下难容之事对应英文:Act broad-minded capacity to hold all rivers run into sea, Rong Naida big belly can let the world can hardly contain the matter

宽洪大量 形容度量大,能容人。同"宽宏大量"。 --看有人答"大人大量",大人大量不是成语, 而且一般使用是"大人有大量"对应英文:Be kind and generous to describe large, tolerate. With the "be kind and generous". -- see someone answer "a lot of adults", a lot of adults not idioms, and generally use is "have a lot of adults"

就是不要和小人争名夺利对应英文:Don't struggle for fame and gain and the villain

【宽宏大度】 亦作"宽洪大度"。同"宽宏大量"。 【宽宏大量】 亦作"宽洪大量"。谓待人宽厚,度量大,能容人。 【宽洪大度】 见"宽宏大度"。 【宽洪大量】 见"宽宏大量...对应英文:Large-minded [] or "magnanimous magnanimity". With the "be kind and generous". Be kind and generous [] also is "be kind and generous". That generosity, magnanimity, tolerate. [wide] see "large-minded Hong generosity". Be kind and generous] [see "be kind and generous...

视大自然为神的时候,到那时侯,再乱开采破坏环境,就跟杀自己的娘没什么俩样,枪毙! 还有,其实人类已经习惯了地球供给的能源,但是没必要,并不是这一条路能让人类生存,利用...对应英文:To view nature as God, by that time, chaos, mining damage to the environment, to kill his mother didn't what kind, shoot! Also, in fact, human beings have used the earth supply of energy, but not necessary, is not this way can let the human survival, use...

为神的时候,到那时侯,再乱开采破坏环境,就跟杀自己的娘没什么俩样,枪毙! 还有,其实人类已经习惯了地球供给的能源,但是没必要,并不是这一条路能让人类生存,利用好能源,...对应英文:For when God, by that time, chaos, mining damage to the environment, to kill his mother didn't what kind, shoot! Also, in fact, human beings have used the earth supply of energy, but not necessary, is not this way can let the human survival, make good use of energy,...

-- 大概意思我听明白了。。你就说就算再怎么拉我的分,我还是不想你出事。。简单一点别想那么复杂对应英文:Perhaps I understand.. You say, even if again how to pull me, I do not want to you.. A bit simple, don't think too complex

制约的意思是 有限制 拘束 反义词就是自由 放松 或洒脱了 都可以对应英文:Control means limiting constraint relaxation or antonym is free and can be


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