

三过其门而不入对应英文:Three had its instead of into the door
发音:  sān guò qí mén ér bù rù 释义:  原是夏禹治水的故事,后比喻热心工作,因公忘私。 出处:  《孟子·离娄下》:“禹、稷当平世,三过其门而不入。”

出处 《孟子·离娄下》"禹、稷当平世,三过其门而不入。"对应英文:The source "Mencius · away under", "Yu Ji when the world, into the three skip. "

三过其门而不入① 当尧②之时,天下犹未平。洪水横流,泛滥于天下。草木畅茂③,禽兽繁殖,五谷不登,禽兽逼④人,兽蹄鸟迹之道交于中国。尧独忧之,举舜而敷⑤治焉。舜使益...对应英文:CTYPE html PUBLIC

.当是时也,禹八年于外,三过其门而不入,虽欲耕,得乎(《孟子·许行》) 译文在这个时候,禹在外治水八年,三次经过自己家门却没有进去,他虽然想亲自耕种,能得到吗 ....对应英文:When is also, Yu eight years on the outside, into the three skip, although want to plow, may peace ("Mencius Xu Hang"). At this time, Yu in outside the flood eight years, three times after his house but did not go in, although he wanted to personally farming, can get...

治水的大禹对应英文:Water Da Yu

【出自】《孟子·离娄下》"禹、稷当平世,三过其门而不入。"对应英文:[from] "Mencius · away under", "Yu Ji when the world, into the three skip. "

稷和颜子如果互相交换地位,颜子也会三过家门不进去,禹,稷也会自得其乐.假定有同屋的人互相斗殴,我去救他纵是披着头发顶着帽子,连帽带子也不结去救他都可以.〔禹,稷的...对应英文:Millet and Yanzi if exchange position, Yan Zi also had three home without account, Yu, millet also as a pleasurable occupation. Assume a roommate's fight with each other, I try to save him if it is covered with hair hat, cap band cannot bear to save him can. (Yu, millet...

是说大禹治水的时候 三过家门而不入 表现的是大禹治水的决心对应英文:It is said that when King Yu combating the flood had three home without the performance is King Yu combating the flood determination

大禹对应英文:Da Yu

夏禹对应英文:Xia Yu

大禹 管仲 曹操 荆轲 ...对应英文:Da Yu Jing Ke Guan Zhong Cao cao...

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