

治标不治本对应英文:Take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure

这样的行动是治标不治本的。对应英文:This kind of action is take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure.

但是,这些药物治疗仅仅是治标不治本。对应英文:However, these medications is just take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure.

但它只不过是重复了今年早些时候G20峰会发布的一份相似声明而已,正如特纳所说,这样的举措治标不治本。对应英文:But it is just a repeated earlier this year at the G20 summit issued a similar statement, as Turner said, such a move take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure.

问题是,新政府仍然是在治标不治本,日本经济的病根是国内需求的结构性不足。对应英文:The problem is that the new government is still in take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure, the Japanese economy is the insufficient domestic demand structural ills.

一些由人体自身产生的自愈反应和自然功效却被医药界定性为单一的疾病,不适或者是过敏,而其针对这些的治疗也是治标不治本的。对应英文:Some produced by the body's own self-healing responses and natural effect has been the industry as a single disease, discomfort or allergic, and its treatment is take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure for these.

如果我们因为学生在阅读时不理解或者没有能力理解,而自己为他们朗读,那就真的只是治标不治本。对应英文:If we don't understand because students in reading or no ability to understand, and reading to them, that's really just take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure.

不过花旗汇市分析师Todd Elmer称,新的计划"治标不治本,所以对支撑美元兑日圆没有影响."对应英文:But citigroup currency strategist Todd Elmer said the new plan "take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure, so has no effect on supporting the dollar."

如果最终仍不能勇于直面现实,这种治标不治本的应对措施不可能永远凑效。对应英文:If the end still does not have the courage to face reality, this kind of take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure measures can never work.

免费食品券未必能解决许多人的经济困难,那只是治标不治本罢了。对应英文:Free food stamps can not solve the many economic difficulties, it just take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure.

但此办法却是治标不治本,有时甚至导致非制度化的政治参与愈演愈烈。对应英文:But this way is take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure, sometimes even lead to deepening of non-institutionalized political participation.

但对于其他人,这是治标不治本,因为它们最终从否认到愤怒到接受。对应英文:But for others, this is take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure, because they ultimately from denial to anger to accept it.

又,因治标不治本,复发的可能性还依然存在。对应英文:Again, because take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure, the possibility of relapse still exists.

第一种处理方法是治标不治本,无法确保设备不会再次出现搪瓷剥落等情况;对应英文:The first kind of processing method is take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure to ensure equipment enamel peel will not happen again, and so on and so forth;

偏激或者过激、暴力的手段是不能解决问题的,因为这只能治标而不治本。对应英文:Radical or extreme, violent means is can not solve the problem, because it can only take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure.

治标的,不治本的用以减缓疾病或小病的征兆的,不受影响治疗。对应英文:Treats the symptoms, not causes to ease the signs of the disease or ailment, shall not be affected.

他指责前几届政府治标不治本,在2001年至去年间实施了三次无效纾困。对应英文:He blamed previous governments take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure, three times between 2001 and last year implemented a rescue invalid.

但是,这些药物治疗仅仅是治标不治本。对应英文:However, these medications is just take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure.

但它只不过是重复了今年早些时候G20峰会发布的一份相似声明而已,正如特纳所说,这样的举措治标不治本。对应英文:But it is just a repeated earlier this year at the G20 summit issued a similar statement, as Turner said, such a move take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure.

五年来,这种理论一直主张,北京已采取的刺激消费增长措施必将失败,因为这些措施治标不治本。对应英文:For the past five years, this theory has been argued that Beijing has taken measures to stimulate consumption growth is bound to fail, because these measures take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure.

金援对于希腊的财政问题来说只是治标不治本。对应英文:Financial aid for Greece's financial problems is just take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure.

平息货币战争的另一个选择是改变全球货币体系,而这治标不治本。对应英文:Calm currency war another option is to change the global currency system, which take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure.

叶精忠说,“关爱是好的,但这治标不治本。”对应英文:Leaf jingzhong said, "caring is good, but it take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure."

这是Facebook一系列隐私问题中最新被承认的事实,Facebook在这些隐私问题被他人曝光后一贯的做法是治标不治本。对应英文:This is the latest in Facebook, a series of privacy is to admit the fact that Facebook privacy issues are consistent practice after exposure of others is take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure.

取而代之的是,日本采用一些治标不治本的权宜(Band-Aids)政策,如大量的财政支出,降低利息率和让日元贬值。对应英文:Instead, Japan adopted some take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure of expediency (Band - Aids) policy, such as a large number of fiscal spending, cut interest rates and the yen.

然而,使用这些具有毒性的化学药物治标不治本,并会带来更多难以解决的环境问题。对应英文:However, the use of these toxic chemicals take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure, and will bring more difficult to solve environmental problems.

他说,美国政府迄今提出的应对高油价的措施只是治标不治本的临时性方案。对应英文:He said the United States government has put forward measures to cope with high oil prices is just take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure of temporary solution.

但乔克认为,迄今为止推出的限制投机者的措施是治标不治本。对应英文:So far, but says gyourko launched the speculators' restrictions is take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure.

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其中:标,是指表面的病征;本,是指引发病征的源头。 更多相关词条>>

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