

穷人多苦命对应英文:The poor more poor

的,你即使连接上,还是需要拨号的吧。更何况,你都这样了,还上什么网呢,应该多花时间去挣钱对应英文:You even, connection, or need to dial. Moreover, you are so, on what network, should spend more time to make money

身世凄惨的苦命少女韩雪依,在即将踏入高中的门槛时,一个晴天霹雳轰然劈下--自己的亲生爸爸因为欠了巨额赌债,竟然把自己卖给了恶少林锡辰!更要命的是,此恶男生得不丑长...对应英文:Life miserable poor girl Han Xue, in the upcoming high threshold, a bolt from the blue crashing down -- his own father because owed huge debts, had sold himself to the evil Shaolin tin Chen! What's more, this evil boys not ugly long...

富人的孩子,如果不是非常蠢和非常败家的,平庸的人也会幸福地走完一生。穷人的家庭,除非出现一个非常有头脑,非常肯努力的天才,才会改变命运,你是那个人吗大多数穷人...对应英文:Rich kids, if not very silly and very kind, ordinary people will be happy to go through life. Poor family, unless there is a very thoughtful, very willing to work of genius, will change the fate, that person is you do most of the poor...

如果抹去刻意的"妖魔化",褒姒其实有着悲惨的身世,也算是个苦命女子。她长在穷人家,后被人买去献给了周幽王。献出褒姒的人是大臣褒垧之子。褒垧在一次谏言中,被周幽王...对应英文:If the erase deliberately "demonized", she actually has a tragic life experience, is a poor girl. She is in a poor family, was to buy to Zhou you. Give her who is minister praised Jiong's son. Bao Shang in an expostulation, be weeks you king...

七位驸马是皇家的太子,而我的女儿们,唉,你们是很穷很穷人家的女儿啊,我苦命的女儿啊!"王母娘娘悲愤地说,"母后,你别这么说好吗,母后你对我们很好啊!呜呜呜!!!"紫儿边说...对应英文:Seven, is a royal prince, and my daughters, alas, you are very poor and poor daughter ah, my poor daughter! "Wang Mu empress bitterly said," mother, you don't say please, mother, you are good to us! OOo!!! "" said...

虽然经验没多少,但,有装备啊,黄装啊,万年穷人苦命奶妈的福音啊 话说我也是奶妈,-这个等级很尴尬的,...到也没多少人要啊,苦命,奶妈好累,攻击低,同等级组队刷怪时...对应英文:Although the experience is not much, but, have the equipment, yellow ah, poor poor million years nurse Gospel ah I also nurse, this level is awkward,... To how many people did not want to ah, poor, nurse tired, low attack, the same grade team brush strange...

他出生在醴泉里柳营村一个穷人家。三岁丧母,七岁丧父,从此成了一个苦命的孤儿。好心肠的姑母将他带到北高南渚林,扶养成人。晚春生来聪明伶俐,智力超常。虽然没上过一...对应英文:He was born in Liquan li Liu Ying Cun a poor. The three year old mother, lost his father at seven, then became a poor orphan. Good hearted aunt took him to North High South Zhu Lin, adult maintenance. Spring was born to be clever and sensible, intelligent. Although not a...

卓晚春莆田明代嘉靖年间一大奇人。他出生在醴泉里柳营村一个穷人家。三岁丧母,七岁丧父,从此成了一个苦命的孤儿。好心肠的姑母将他带到北高南渚林,扶养成人。晚春生...对应英文:In late Ming Dynasty Jiajing Putian Zhuo a strange man. He was born in Liquan li Liu Ying Cun a poor. The three year old mother, lost his father at seven, then became a poor orphan. Good hearted aunt took him to North High South Zhu Lin, adult maintenance. Born in late spring...

她如一盏明灯,照亮了阿廖沙敏感而孤独的心,她还经常讲一些怜悯穷人和弱者、歌颂正义和光明的民间故事给阿廖沙听,她对阿廖沙的影响,正像高尔基后来写的那样"在她没有...对应英文:She is like a lamp, illuminate the Alesha sensitive and lonely heart, she often tells some pity for the poor and weak, sing the praises of justice and light folk stories to Allyson listen, her influence on the Liao sand, as Golgi later wrote "in her not...

"爷爷、奶奶听了直流泪,抚摸着她的头,说"你真是一个苦命而又懂事的孩子。"不光吃的方面她不奢求,就连穿的...人都说穷人家的孩子懂事早,这句话一点不假。现在这个苦命的...对应英文:"Grandpa, grandma heard tears, stroking her head and said," you really are a hardy and sensible child. "Not only had she not luxury, even wear... People say that children from poor families sensible early, this remark is not false. Now the poor...


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