

拉不出屎来怨茅坑对应英文:Do not pull excrement to hatred pit


你无敌了 梦到屎粑粑就是要发财了 但是呢 我觉得那个不科学 我也梦到过 至今没发财 所以呢 科学一点 可能就是爱干净的一个在梦中的反馈 一般都是这样 爱干净的人容易...对应英文:You are invincible dream the shit Baba is going to be rich but I think that is not scientific and I dreamed of has not rich so science point might be love clean a feedback in a dream like this love clean person easy...

洗手间内大便横溢的梦若用一句话来概括,这是招来财福的金钱梦。洗手间横溢大便的梦,暗示你将会得到意外... 梦见自己掉进茅坑这是难得的好梦。如果梦中自己掉进茅坑里...对应英文:Restroom stool inside the brilliant dream if you use a word to sum up, this is a fortune of money dream. Restroom talented stool dream, that you will get the unexpected... Dreamed I fell it is rare good dream. If the dream he fell...

茅坑里点灯找死对应英文:The pit lamps have a death wish

从医生心理看,是你最近应该注意你的饮食,保护好你的肠胃。从传统解梦来看,是个好兆头,说明你要发财了!对应英文:From a doctor psychology, you should pay attention to your diet recently, protect your stomach. From the traditional view of the dream, is a good sign, that you'll be rich!

洗手间内大便横溢的梦,若用一句话来概括,这是招来财福的金钱梦。洗手间横溢大便的梦,暗示你将会得到意外... 梦见自己掉进茅坑,这是难得的好梦。如果梦中自己掉进茅坑里...对应英文:Restroom stool inside the brilliant dream, if you use a word to sum up, this is a fortune of money dream. Restroom talented stool dream, that you will get the unexpected... Dreams fell, this is a rare good dream. If the dream he fell...

·男人梦见在公共厕所大便,要注意身体疾病。女人梦见在公厕里解大便,会受到污辱和歧视。 ·男人梦见在自家...梦见自己掉进茅坑,这是难得的好梦。如果梦中自己掉进茅坑里再...对应英文:· man dreamed of in Toilet stool, should pay attention to the body disease. Women dream of in the public toilet stool, will be subject to stigma and discrimination. · the man in his... Dreams fell, this is a rare good dream. If the dream he fell again...

拉不出屎怪地球没有吸引力生意不好怪柜台对应英文:Can't shit strange earth not attractive not good business to blame the counter

把他拉上来,,然后再一脚踹下去,然后你蹲在那个坑上,继续拉。让他在下面继续吃对应英文:Pull him in,, and then kick down, and then you squat down in the pit, continue to pull. Let him continue to eat in the following

梦见厕所、洗手间 男人梦见在公共厕所大便,要生病。 女人梦见在公厕里解大便,会受到污辱和歧视。 梦见在自己厕所里小便,一切困难都会过去。 女人在自家的厕所里小便,...对应英文:Dream of the toilet, Restroom men dreamed of in Toilet stool, ill. Women dream of in the public toilet stool, will be subject to stigma and discrimination. Dream of urine in the toilet, all difficulties will be in the past. Women urinate in their bathroom,...


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