

事不关己高高挂起对应英文:Nothing has high hung

是事不关己,高高挂起吗?对应英文:Is irrelevant, hanging up?

她说我们不能再将这些问题归于“事不关己高高挂起”的范畴。对应英文:She said we can't put these questions to the category of "have nothing hangs high".

每个人都是社会的一份子,不要以为艾滋病离自己很远,可以“事不关己高高挂起”,献出一份关爱是每个人的责任。对应英文:Everyone is a member of the society, do not think that AIDS is far away from yourself, you can "have nothing hangs high", dedicate a love is everyone's responsibility.

我们反对事不关己, 高高挂起的自由主义态度。对应英文:We have nothing against things, hang high liberal attitude.

每个人都是社会的一份子,不要以为艾滋病离自己很远,可以“事不关己高高挂起”,献出一份关爱是每个人的责任。对应英文:Everyone is a member of the society, do not think that AIDS is far away from yourself, you can "have nothing hangs high", dedicate a love is everyone's responsibility.


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