

泥菩萨过江对应英文:Clay idol of the dragon
泥菩萨过江   拼音: ní pú sà guò jiāng 简拼: npsj   近义词:  反义词:    用法:     解释: 表示连自己也保不住,更谈不上帮助别人。   出处:    例子:    谒后语:     谜语:     成语故事:     相关成语   泥菩萨过江

他的意思再清楚不过了,如今布什是泥菩萨过江自身难保,军队亦深陷伊拉克泥淖,国会与美国民众的好战情绪跌到了低谷。对应英文:His meaning is clear, the bush is now the river-crossing hard clay idol, the army also in Iraq, congress and the American people militancy fell into the trough.

他的意思再清楚不过了,如今布什是泥菩萨过江自身难保,军队亦深陷伊拉克泥淖,国会与美国民众的好战情绪跌到了低谷。对应英文:His meaning is clear, the bush is now the river-crossing hard clay idol, the army also in Iraq, congress and the American people militancy fell into the trough.


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