

得理不让人对应英文:Have reason to not let a person

在我们的现实生活中,经常可以看到有些领导批评别人,很有点"得理不让人"的味道,气势汹汹的,结果被批评者要么是毫不买账,言行举止反而变本加厉,要么是口服心不服,一肚...对应英文:In our real life, often can see some leading to criticize others, very little "must manage not to" taste, in a threatening manner, the result is critics either no buy it, words and deeds but become aggravated, or is not convinced, a belly...

得理让人"说的是不要"过犹不及".有理说理,把道理说清就行了.不要揪着不放,不要不顾人家的颜面硬要把人家往死角里逼,那同样是不对的.对应英文:To let a person "say is not" too far ". Rational reasoning, the truth clearly on the line. Don't grabbing hold, don't disregard of others tried to take people to face the corner force, it is also wrong

得理让人"说的是不要"过犹不及".有理说理,把道理说清就行了.不要揪着不放,不要不顾人家的颜面硬要把人家往死角里逼,那同样是不对的.对应英文:To let a person "say is not" too far ". Rational reasoning, the truth clearly on the line. Don't grabbing hold, don't disregard of others tried to take people to face the corner force, it is also wrong

以后的日子会有更多的纠纷 这样的女朋友一点都不理解人 而且会让人很累 自己好好考虑 是她胡搅蛮缠对应英文:The future will have more disputes this girlfriend doesn't understand people and will make people very tired you think she is with unreasonable demands

不用搭理她,过好自己的就行,千万不要跟她明争暗斗,坚持自己的原则,遇事讲道理。俗话说日久见人心,你那个同事的行为早晚会被别人鄙视的,你做好自己就够了,如果你越生气...对应英文:Don't talk to her, have their own on the line, don't tell her fight both with open and secret means, adhere to their principles, they speak the truth. As the saying goes Time reveals a man's heart., your colleague's behavior would be others despise, you do their own is enough, if you more angry...

就是不论发生什么事,要是真理在你这面,你就不给对方改正的机会,或者把对方彻底击垮,否则决不善罢甘休,也就是说你没有容忍的度量,这样很不好,容易失去朋友。对应英文:It is no matter what happens, if the truth on your face, you are not to give you the opportunity to correct, or the other completely crushed, otherwise will not leave the matter at that, that is to say you have no tolerance of the metric, which is not good, easy to lose a friend.

不靠嗓门压人,有理不在声高,如果你能有制有节的音调语气道出你的理,其效果不亚于如雷贯耳。 .用真情、善...在真理面前人人平等。你所服从的是对方所道出的真理,只能说你...对应英文:Do not rely on the voice pressure on people, does not justify the high voice, if you can have a section of the tone tells you, the less said of sb.'s name. With the truth, goodness. Everyone is equal before the truth... You have to obey is the other party said the truth, you can say...

为什么不让人呢,因为有理。这很正常啊,你只能动之以情晓之以理,跟他说明这一切都是某某的错,慢慢的就消气了。因为这样的人通常会很固执。对应英文:Why not let people do, because it is right. This is normal ah, you can move them, tell him that all this is so wrong, slowly cooled down. For such people are usually very stubborn.

二声 呴对应英文:Two sound roar

这肯定是你的错 女人最介意的东西 劈腿 说谎 外出不通知 我就是一个例子哈哈 我最讨厌我男朋友出去不交代一声 女人就是没有安全感的,其实你应该理解 哄哄就没事了...对应英文:This must be your fault woman's mind stuff split lie out without telling me is an example: I hate my boyfriend not accounted for a woman is no sense of security, in fact you should understand coax...


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