

噩梦醒来是早晨对应英文:The nightmare is the morning wake up

与'柳暗花明又一村'同一个意思,恶梦毕竟是梦,早晨是新一天,有灿烂的阳光对应英文:With the 'There is a way out.' the same meaning, nightmare is a dream, a new day morning, sunshine

过于疲劳,当你自以为清醒的时候,其实身体已经非常疲惫.当你倒在床上,突然发现无法动弹,其实是你四肢的疲劳,你想喊想挣扎,却发现无能为力,是由于你精神上依旧亢奋 要改...对应英文:Too tired, when you think you're awake, the body is very tired. When you lay down on the bed, suddenly found unable to move, in fact, is the fatigue of your limbs, you want to shout wanted to struggle, but incapable of action, is because your spirit still excited to change...

医生建议她多出去转转 把自己搞累点 还可以养些小宠物来分散自己的经历 看着它们可爱的样子就不会在做恶梦了 是吧- -、对应英文:The doctor suggested that she go around getting tired can also raise some pets to disperse at his own experience they cute wouldn't be nightmares, --,

。不用很在意 你认为说出来是揭伤疤吗觉得不是的话 就跟朋友们说说 也许并不理睬你 也许很会关心你哇~就...自己承担就是要自己承担 让你从噩梦里醒来的简单方法就是 步...对应英文:. Don't care about you that speaking up is scar you think not just with friends about may not ignore you might be concerned about your wow ~... Themselves is to take you from the nightmare wakes up in a simple method is step...

冷静下来,原来只是一场梦。对应英文:Calm down, it is just a dream.

的确是 梦魔的一种, 半夜惊醒,人在脑缺血刚惊醒时,因持续数分钟的视觉、运动障碍还没有结束,大脑中负责接收信息的中枢苏醒了,所以感觉不到你所说的 疼痛 等。 这跟你...对应英文:It is a nightmare, the middle of the night awake, in cerebral ischemia just wake up, because of the visual, movement disorders continued for a few minutes is not over, the brain responsible for central to receive information, so you do not feel the pain. This with you...

还好这个梦是假的对应英文:Fortunately, this dream is false

经常做噩梦感到不安怎么办 --梦境与凶吉祸福无关 不少人有这样的苦恼入睡后,常常做噩梦,甚至被惊醒。由于睡不好,次日头昏脑涨,影响了工作和学习。有的还担心噩梦会给...对应英文:Nightmares disturbed do -- dreams and fierce auspicious fate not many people have such worry after falling asleep, was awakened by nightmares, even. Because sleep is not good, the next day dizzy, affect the work and learning. Some also worry that the nightmare will give...

入睡快而睡眠深、一般无梦或少梦者,睡上小时即可完全恢复精力入睡慢而浅睡、常多做噩梦者,即使睡上小时,仍难精神清爽。应通过各种治疗,以获得有效睡眠,只是延长睡...对应英文:Fall asleep faster and sleep deep, no dream or dream, sleep hours can be fully restored energy sleep slow and shallow sleep, always do a nightmare, even if sleep hours, refreshing the spirit is still hard to. Should be through a variety of treatment, in order to obtain the effective sleep, only prolonged sleep...

噩梦突然袭来,家园变成废墟,无数生命被掩埋。男是你把生死置之度外,告诉我不要放弃,人间有大爱。合啊……因为有你驱散阴霾,啊……因为有你,生命之花再度重开。女...对应英文:Nightmare suddenly, the rubble, countless lives buried. The male is your life and death leave, tell me not to give up, there is human love. He ah...... Because you have to disperse the haze, ah...... Because of you, the flower of life again reopen. Female...


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