

豆付掉到灰堆里对应英文:Dou Fu fell to ashes

又名苦槠栲、血槠、槠栗、苦槠子,国家二级保护植物。苦珠果富含淀粉(果源淀粉很罕见),山里人将其晒干、破除外壳、去掉果仁上的表皮,然后用清水浸泡数天,去其涩味,再磨...对应英文:Also known as Castanopsis sclerophylla, Castanopsis sclerophylla, Castanopsis blood, chestnut, two national protected plants. Bitter pearl fruit rich in starch (fruit source starch is rare), the mountains will be its dried, break the shell, remove the nuts on the skin, and then soaked with water for several days, to its astringency, regrinding...

卤五香干豆腐 ≮美食原料≯ 干豆腐克,香油克,酱油克,盐克,味精.克,大料克,花椒克,五香粉克,葱段克,姜块克。 ≮美食做法≯ 、干豆腐洗净,用线捆紧将大...对应英文:Tofu tofu halogen five being Food raw material is greater than or equal to dry tofu grams, sesame oil, soy sauce, salt, G, G, monosodium glutamate. G g, aniseed, pepper g, spiced powder grams, onion ginger section g, G. Being Food practices ≯, dried bean curd wash, wire bundle tight will...

做豆浆剩下的豆渣也变出花样的吃。先来一个简单的,豆渣鸡蛋饼。首先,需要准备鸡蛋个,豆渣大约两,这个豆渣熟豆渣,如果您家里榨出的豆渣是生的,可以先蒸熟。葱末,姜末...对应英文:Do Soybean Milk bean dregs remaining also changed the pattern of eating. Start with a simple, bean dregs egg cake. First of all, need to prepare egg, bean dregs of about two, the okara okara, if your home from bean dregs is born, can be steamed first. Onion, ginger...

用料 白豆腐克,猪肉克,青蒜克,酱油克,料酒克,郫县豆瓣克,盐、淀粉、鸡精或味精适量。 制作方法 、把豆腐切成厘米的厚片,猪肉切成肉片,青蒜切段,豆瓣...对应英文:Use white tofu grams, pork grams, leek Ke, soy sauce, cooking wine g, G, G Pixian bean, salt, starch, chicken, or msg. Making method, cut the tofu into cm thick piece of pork, cut into slices, garlic cut into sections, watercress...

原料 干豆腐 青尖椒 依个人口味放盐、加少量水。出锅前加点蒜末,味精,香油即可对应英文:The raw material dry bean curd green pepper according to personal taste salt, add a small amount of water. Before the pan add the garlic, MSG, sesame oil

豆腐干做法 原料大豆、大茴、小茴、甘草、肉桂、公丁研成粉末成为五香粉,精盐或酱油,栀子水。 ①选择优秀大豆先用石磨干磨,除去豆皮,再通过水浸、磨浆、开水冲浆、...对应英文:Dried bean curd practices, anise, raw soybean fennel, cinnamon, clove, licorice Yancheng powder into five spice powder, salt or soy sauce, gardenia water. The selection of excellent soybean first with dry grinding stone, remove the hulls, and through water soaking, grinding, boiling water washed pulp,...

焖制      把切成块的豆腐放进度高温的食用油煎至表皮稍硬、色泽金黄,然后炒香蒜茸、姜丝、菇丝、肉丝,加进汤水和调料,放进炸过的豆腐略焖成菜,即为芳香味浓的...对应英文:Braised put a piece of tofu schedule temperature of edible oil to the skin slightly hard, golden color, and then fry the minced garlic, ginger, mushrooms, shredded meat, add soup and spices, into the fried bean curd slightly braised dishes into, is fragrant...

内脂豆腐以β-葡萄糖酸内脂为凝固剂,制作工艺简单,质地细腻洁白,保质期长。 .泡豆。选用豆脐(豆眉)色浅、含油量低、粒大皮薄、粒重饱满、表皮无皱而有光泽的大豆...对应英文:Fat tofu with beta lactone gluconate as coagulant, simple manufacture technology, texture delicate white, long shelf life. Bubble beans. The bean umbilical (Dou Mei) light color, low oil content, size, thin skin, grain weight, skin wrinkle free and full of shiny soybean...

干炸豆腐丸子的制作材料主料豆腐(北)克辅料淀粉(玉米)克,小麦面粉克调料花椒克,姜汁克,五香粉克,盐克,味精克,香油克,植物油克干炸豆腐丸子的特色...对应英文:Dry fried tofu meatball making material ingredient tofu (North) g auxiliary starch (corn) g, wheat flour grams spices pepper grams, ginger grams, spiced powder grams of salt, MSG g, g g, sesame oil, vegetable oil g dry fried tofu meatball characteristics...

豆制品虽然营养丰富,但也并非人人皆宜。患有以下疾病者应当忌食或者少吃豆制品。 消化性溃疡 严重消化性溃疡病人不要食用豆制品,因为豆制品中嘌呤含量高,有促进胃液分...对应英文:Bean products are rich in nutrition, but it is not for everyone. With the following diseases shall not eat or eat soy products. Severe Peptic Ulcer Peptic ulcer patients do not eat soy products, because soy products high in purine content, can promote gastric branch...


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