

斗大字不识一升对应英文:Illiterate a liter bucket

他说"天下才有一石,曹子建(曹植)独占八斗,我得一斗,天下共分一斗。"(见无名氏《释常谈》)看来,谢灵运对自己的才学也是相当自负的。以后,人们便把"才高八斗"这个成语...对应英文:He said that "the world is a stone, Cao Zijian (Cao Zhi eight) exclusive scoop, I have a bucket, it consists of a bucket. "(see John Doe" platitude "release), Xie Lingyun on his intellect is quite conceited. Later, people began to make "a man of great talent talents" this idiom...

古时后用来量取谷、米、豆等用,升斗。 斗大的字不识一升,实际上是嘲笑那个人不识字。带贬义,含看不起的 意思。对应英文:In ancient times used to measure grain, rice, beans, weights. Big words not a liter, is actually laughing people are illiterate. A term, including despised meaning.

斗大的字不识一萝筐吧。。 一斗的容量大概也有一个脸盆大,一个萝筐大概只能盛三四个这么大的字。由此形容人认识的字少,没文化。对应英文:Fighting words not a big basket.. A bucket capacity may also have a washbasin, a basket containing three or four probably only big word. So people know words less, no culture.

是"斗大的字不识一筐" 如果每个字有一斗那么大,他认识的字装不满一筐,形容没有文化。古代认识了字已经算是有文化了。对应英文:Is the "big word not a basket of" if every word had a bucket is so big, he know a word filled a basket, described the absence of culture. The ancient understanding of the word is culture.

她大字识不了一斗,功夫练不成几招,可吃喝嫖赌抽、坑蒙拐骗偷,这些没出息不长脸的事倒挺在行,不但一学就会,还带举一反三的。  听听人家怎么说她的  一无所长,两竖...对应英文:She knows a big bucket, Kung Fu practice no tips, but Chihepiaodu smoke, bluff and deceive steal, these unpromising not long face thing sounds good, not only to learn, but also with the infer other things from one fact. Listen to how they say her skills, two vertical...

生这么一个败家孩子 她大字识不了一斗,功夫练不成几招,可吃喝嫖赌抽、坑蒙拐骗偷,这些没出息不长脸的事倒挺在行,不但一学就会,还带举一反三的。 听听人家怎么说她的...对应英文:So a prodigal child characters recognition a bucket, Kung Fu practice no tips, but Chihepiaodu smoke, bluff and deceive steal, these unpromising not long face thing sounds good, not only to learn, but also with the infer other things from one fact. Listen to how they say her...

这种物质以极快的速度在血液中蔓延,是健康的一大隐患。 尼古丁会导致动脉硬化,造成血管狭窄甚至堵塞,随之...烟的危害更大"这个观点更显示了阁下不识斗大字的知识面。 我...对应英文:This kind of material in order to speed the spread in the blood, is a major health risk. Nicotine can lead to hardening of the arteries, causing vascular stenosis or blockage, then... Smoke more "this view shows the knowledge you cannot fight characters. I.

顶风臭十里 、丢下嘴里的肉,去等河里的鱼 、东一榔头,西一棒子 、斗大字不识一升 、豆付掉到灰堆里 、豆付一方扁担一条 、肚子疼怨灶王爷 、端人家碗,...对应英文:In ten, left wind smell the meat in his mouth, to the fish in the river, East a hammer, West a stick, a liter bucket illiterate, Dou Fu fell to ashes, pay Party A bean pole, stomach pain, resentment kitchen end people bowl,...

丢下嘴里的肉,去等河里的鱼 、东一榔头,西一棒子 、斗大字不识一升 、豆付掉到灰堆里 、豆付一方扁担一条 、肚子疼怨灶王爷 、端人家碗,受人家管 、断了...对应英文:Leave the meat in his mouth, and the fish in the river to the west, East a hammer, a stick, a liter bucket illiterate, Dou Fu fell to ashes, pay Party A bean pole, stomach pain, resentment kitchen end people bowl, by others, broken pipe...

卯是卯 顶风臭十里 丢下嘴里的肉,去等河里的鱼 东一榔头,西一棒子 斗大字不识一升 豆付掉到灰堆里 豆付一方扁担一条 肚子疼怨灶王爷 端人家碗,受人家管 断了线的风筝...对应英文:The bases is the bases against smelly ten leave the meat in his mouth, and the fish in the river east a hammer, West a stick and bucket illiterate a liter of beans to pay out to ashes Dou Fu side pole a stomach ache for kitchen end people bowl, by people breaking line kite...


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