

风干物燥火易发对应英文:Dry matter fire prone

风干物燥 身体要"灭火" 和自然界一样,体内的阳气大盛,容易导致"上火"若不及时灭火,会引...火邪及胃,易发胃火.应多吃黄绿蔬菜与时令水果,补充维生素和无...对应英文:Dry the body to "fire" and nature, Yang Sheng in the body, easily lead to "get angry" if not timely fire, will bring... Fire and stomach, prone to stomach fire. We should eat more green vegetables and fruits, vitamin supplements and no...

最后将洗涤干净的砚取出风干,放于砚匣内。在砚池中注入清水,每日一换,以滋养砚石,保持砚之莹润,砚堂不能有...案头,应避免阳光直射,否则砚质易干燥,日晒也易使砚匣干裂。...对应英文:Finally the washing clean Yan took air dried, placed in the inkstone box. In Yanchi injecting water, one for each day, to nourish the inkstone, ink Yantang keep looking, not... Desk, should avoid direct sunlight, otherwise the qualitative easy dry winter, Sun Yi also make inkstone magazine chapped. ...

摆在那里就可以了,不用盖任何东西,通风不好的地方最好,易发酶长毛。 等到十天左右(这个要看个人家里的温度... 在立冬后,将豆腐切成一寸见方,放在风中风干到四个角都成焦黄...对应英文:There can be, don't cover anything, is not well ventilated place best, prone enzyme. Wait ten days (this depends on the individual home temperature... In the beginning of winter, the tofu cut into one inch square, on the wind stroke stem to four corners into brown...

三来空气湿度大,鸭坯上常会湿漉漉的,这样烤出来,鸭皮易发艮(不松脆)。 其次是鸭子的大小。选鸭子非常重要...剁去鸭翅、鸭掌,经过打糖色、风干,制成鸭坯,重量在斤到斤左...对应英文:Three air humidity is big, wet often duck billet, so baked duck skin, prone to Gen (not crisp). The second is the size of a duck. The ducks are very important... Duoqu duck wings, duck, the sugar, dried, made into duck, weight in pounds to kilograms left...

病状以小母猪阴门红肿不退和体况好、采食量大的猪易发为特征。 仅年一年,就遇到了北京、山西、河南三...经事后调查,前两场玉米为发霉后经风干后贮存,毒性大大降低,...对应英文:The symptoms in gilts vulval swelling is not refundable and body condition good, feed intake of pigs susceptible to feature. Only a year, he met in Beijing, Shanxi, Henan three... After investigation, the first two maize as moldy after dry storage, greatly reduced the toxicity,...

三来空气湿度大,鸭坯上常会湿漉漉的,这样烤出来,鸭皮易发艮(不松脆)。   其次是鸭子的大小。选鸭子非常...剁去鸭翅、鸭掌,经过打糖色、风干,制成鸭坯,重量在斤到斤左...对应英文:Three air humidity is big, wet often duck billet, so baked duck skin, prone to Gen (not crisp). The second is the size of a duck. The ducks are very... Duoqu duck wings, duck, the sugar, dried, made into duck, weight in pounds to kilograms left...

掺进黄丹团后用力揉搓,再放入模具成型,用竹刀雕琢,待其干燥后放进窑内烧,最后裹上黑腊烧制而成。澄泥砚的...一年后袋内泥满,取出风干,制成砚坯,再烧制成质地似陶的砚台,...对应英文:After the forced regiment braced Huangdan rub, and then into the molding, use bamboo knife cut and polish, the burning kiln dried into the final round, Black wax firing. Inkstone... One year after the bag with dried mud, remove, made inkstone blank, then firing the texture like Tao inkstone,...

生活中我们常常烦恼头发会干燥、枯黄、易断、易碎…其实这都是日常生活不注意保养造成的,易发堂养发馆 专... 、最好让头发天然风干。长头发女士可把头发束起,而短头发的...对应英文:In life we often worry about the hair will be dry, yellow, brittle, easily broken... In fact, this is caused by the daily pay no attention to maintenance, easy to Fatang hair museum only..., best to let the hair dry naturally. The woman with long hair can be tied up her hair, short hair...


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