

一锤子买卖对应英文:A one-time deal
一锤子买卖,拼为yī chuí zi mǎi mài,指价钱贵,货色次,服务态度不好,顾客不愿再来打交道。  一锤子买卖   拼音: yī chuí zi mǎi mài 简拼: yczm   近义词:  反义词:    用法: 偏正式;作宾语;含贬义   解释: 只做一次生意。多指价钱贵,货色次,服务态度不好,顾客不愿再来打交道。   出处:    例子:    谒后语: 沙锅捣蒜   谜语: 

这些少数回头客带来的长期利润,可以弥补那些"一锤子买卖"造成的短期损失。对应英文:These a few repeat customers bring long-term profits, can make up for the "one hammer buying and selling" short-term loss caused.

“因为这是个一锤子买卖,他们得收更多钱, ”约书亚斯洛克姆,一个行业监查小组,葬礼消费者联盟的执行总监说。对应英文:"Because this is a one-time deal, they have to get more money," Joshua, Locke, an industry watchdog group, funeral consumers union executive director said.

这些少数回头客带来的长期利润,可以弥补那些"一锤子买卖"造成的短期损失。对应英文:These a few repeat customers bring long-term profits, can make up for the "one hammer buying and selling" short-term loss caused.

“因为这是个一锤子买卖,他们得收更多钱, ”约书亚斯洛克姆,一个行业监查小组,葬礼消费者联盟的执行总监说。对应英文:"Because this is a one-time deal, they have to get more money," Joshua, Locke, an industry watchdog group, funeral consumers union executive director said.

尽可能频繁地迭代化博弈游戏:确保合作不是基于一锤子买卖。对应英文:As frequently as possible iterative game: ensure that cooperation is not based on a one-time deal.

虽然是抱着一锤子买卖的心态来写文章,但整个过程还是让我感受到自己有多么喜爱写作,有多么想念这个专栏。对应英文:Although is holding a hammer business point of view to write articles, but the whole process or make me feel how love writing, how miss this column.

我目前无意卖掉我任何更多的在这家俱乐部股份。这次卖给斯坦是一锤子买卖。我肯定打算继续作为一个长期的大股东。对应英文:I am currently has no intention to sell me any more at stake in the club.

当被问到改进过的标准导弹-3是否是美国新的反卫星武器技术时,卡特莱特说:“这是一锤子买卖”。对应英文:When asked whether the modified standard missile - 3 is the new anti-satellite weapons technology, cartwright said: "this is a one-time deal.

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