

一分钱一分货对应英文:You get what you pay for

不过,作为一家国际型酒店,它相当便宜,特别是在周末。所以一分钱一分货。对应英文:However, as a international hotel, it is quite cheap, especially on the weekend.

但问题是,在通常情况下,商品都是一分钱一分货,这意味着上网本的硬件恰好能满足收发邮件、浏览网页和播放普通视频的需求,其余就一概无能为力了。对应英文:But the problem is that in most cases, goods are a penny a points goods, this means that the netbook hardware just can satisfy the sending and receiving email, browsing the web and play ordinary video demand, the rest is entirely powerless.

我想还是一分钱一分货吧。对应英文:I want to let's you get what you pay for.

不过,作为一家国际型酒店,它相当便宜,特别是在周末。所以一分钱一分货。对应英文:However, as a international hotel, it is quite cheap, especially on the weekend.

一分钱一分货,大多数酒店都不会太离谱,而住在这里,甚至应当有人付钱给我,花再少钱也不值。对应英文:You get what you pay for, most hotels are not far off the mark, and live here, even someone should pay me, also is not worth to spend less money.

但问题是,在通常情况下,商品都是一分钱一分货,这意味着上网本的硬件恰好能满足收发邮件、浏览网页和播放普通视频的需求,其余就一概无能为力了。对应英文:But the problem is that in most cases, goods are a penny a points goods, this means that the netbook hardware just can satisfy the sending and receiving email, browsing the web and play ordinary video demand, the rest is entirely powerless.

客户不能以货品颜色色差或没有相象美丽取消订单或要求退货, 货品实物颜色为准(一分钱一分货)。对应英文:The customer can't cancel the order for goods color or no color similar beautiful or ask to return money, goods product color (a penny a points goods).

说到钱,一分钱一分货,最好和本性信得过的人打交道。对应英文:When it comes to money, you get what you pay for, and the best nature trustworthy people.

尽管价格也许是决定性因素,还是记住:一分钱一分货。对应英文:Even though the price may be the decisive factor, and remember: you get what you pay for.

俗话说:一分钱一分货!对应英文:As the saying goes: a penny a points goods!

我只能猜想,或许更贵的房间好些吧,一分钱一分货。对应英文:I can only guess, perhaps a more expensive room better, you get what you pay for.

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