

肥的瘦的一锅煮对应英文:Fat thin pot

就是一起下锅,不管是否好吃对应英文:Is together under the pot, regardless of whether or not to eat

药是假的 房顶开门,灶坑打井 防君子不防小人 放长线钓大鱼 放屁砸了脚后跟 肥的瘦的一锅煮 肥水不流外人田 费力不讨好 费了九牛二虎之力 风里来,雨里去 佛烧一炷香,...对应英文:The medicine is false roof open pit, well anti gentleman is not anti villain long line fishing fart smashed heel fat thin pot fertilizer outsiders do not flow fields thankless took tremendous effort to wind, rain go Buddha to burn a stick of incense,...

药是假的房顶开门,灶坑打井防君子不防小人放长线钓大鱼放屁砸了脚后跟肥的瘦的一锅煮肥水不流外人田费力不讨好费了九牛二虎之力风里来,雨里去佛烧一炷香,人争一口气福...对应英文:The medicine is false roof open pit, well anti gentleman is not anti villain long line fishing fart smashed heel fat thin pot fertilizer outsiders do not flow fields thankless took tremendous effort to wind, rain go fo burns a joss stick, people for a blessing...

肥的瘦的一锅煮  肥水不流外人田  费力不讨好  费了九牛二虎之力  风里来,雨里去  佛烧一炷香,人争一口气  福不双降,祸不单行  该吃九升,不吃一斗 ...对应英文:Fat thin pot fertilizer outsiders do not flow fields thankless took tremendous effort to wind, rain go fo burns a joss stick, people for a blessing not to double down, Disasters pile up on one another. should eat nine liters, do not eat a bucket...

灶坑打井 、防君子不防小人 、放长线钓大鱼 、放屁砸了脚后跟 、肥的瘦的一锅煮 、肥水不流外人田 、费力不讨好 、费了九牛二虎之力 、风里来...对应英文:Fire drill, anti gentleman is not anti villain, go fishing, hit the heel fart, fat thin one pot, fertilizer outsiders do not flow fields, thankless, had a tremendous effort, wind...

放长线钓大鱼 、放屁砸了脚后跟 、肥的瘦的一锅煮 、肥水不流外人田 、费力不讨好 、费了九牛二虎之力 、风里来,雨里去 、佛烧一炷香,人争一口气...对应英文:Go fishing, hit the heel fart, fat thin one pot, fertilizer outsiders do not flow fields, thankless, had a tremendous effort, wind, rain, burning incense Buddha, who struggle for breath...

防君子不防小人 、放长线钓大鱼 、放屁砸了脚后跟 、肥的瘦的一锅煮 、肥水不流外人田 、费力不讨好 、费了九牛二虎之力 、风里来,雨里去 、...对应英文:Anti gentleman is not anti villain, go fishing, hit the heel fart, fat thin one pot, fertilizer outsiders do not flow fields, thankless, had a tremendous effort, to wind, rain go,...

防君子不防小人 放长线钓大鱼 放屁砸了脚后跟 肥的瘦的一锅煮 肥水不流外人田 费力不讨好 费了九牛二虎之力 风里来,雨里去 佛烧一炷香,人争一口气 福不双降,祸不单行...对应英文:Anti gentleman is not anti villain long line fishing fart smashed heel fat thin pot fertilizer outsiders do not flow fields thankless took tremendous effort to wind, rain go fo burns a joss stick, people for a blessing not to double down, Disasters pile up on one another...

房顶开门,灶坑打井 防君子不防小人 放长线钓大鱼 放屁砸了脚后跟 肥的瘦的一锅煮 肥水不流外人田 费力不讨好对应英文:The roof open pit, well anti gentleman is not anti villain long line fishing fart smashed heel fat thin pot fertilizer outsiders do not flow fields thankless

药是假的 房顶开门,灶坑打井 防君子不防小人 放长线钓大鱼放屁砸了脚后跟 肥的瘦的一锅煮 肥水不流外人田 费力不讨好 费了九牛二虎之力 佛烧一炷香,人争一口气 福不双...对应英文:The medicine is false roof open pit, well anti gentleman is not anti villain long line fishing fart smashed heel fat thin pot fertilizer outsiders do not flow fields thankless took tremendous effort to burn a stick of incense Buddha, one for a blessing not double...


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