

吃人家的嘴短拿人家的手软对应英文:Soft eating other people's mouth short with the people

天下没有免费的午餐 吃了人家的就要说话注意 拿了人家的做事要向着人家对应英文:There is no free lunch eat other people will talk get the attention of people doing things to others

是吃人家的嘴短,拿人家的手软。 大概的意思就是说收了人家的东西就要给人家办事! 有点拿人钱财与人消灾的意思~~!!对应英文:Is eating other people's mouth short, soft with the people. It is said that the somebody else give people work! A little with the money and to mean!!

这是游戏规则如果我们白吃,以后就再也吃不到如果我们白拿,以后也就别想再拿到别人让人们吃、让我们拿,是对我们有所求,同样,我们需要别人相助时,也会同样付出。其实这...对应英文:This is the rules of the game if we eat, later again not to eat if we take in vain, later also don't want to get someone else to let people eat, let us take, is seeking something, for us as well, we need someone to help, will also pay. In fact, this...

都行俚语嘛都是约定俗成的你说的这两个都有很多人在用有时候语言不用太刻意去定模说的通的都可以语言都是这样发展壮大的撒对应英文:It is common slang. You say these two are a lot of people use sometimes language need not too sedulous to the fixed mould sense can be language is growing and so

包括父母,兄弟,很多的人。他们为了"利益"。会采用一些手段,软的,硬的等等。一般来说,你吃了人家的东西或者收或别人的礼物,人家求你办事,你能不帮忙吗爱于面子都会去...对应英文:Including parents, brothers, a lot of people. They to "interest". By some means, soft, hard, etc.. In general, you eat the somebody else or cash or gifts, they ask you work, you can not help you love to face would go...

受了别人恩惠 不好意思拒绝别人 要报答!对应英文:By the kindness of others feel shy to refuse to repay!

拿了别人的东西或受了好处,就要对别人客气点或者要为别人完成某件事。对应英文:Take some thing or benefits, be polite to others or to do something for others.

吃人家的嘴短,拿人家的手软  吃人家饭,受人家管  吃软不吃硬  吃哑巴亏  吃着碗里的,望着锅里的  丑话说在前头  丑媳妇早晚也得见公婆  初一一回十五一...对应英文:Eating other people's mouth short, take other people's mercy to eat dinner, by people eating soft do not eat hard food yabakui eat a bowl of, look in the pan I said to see her first time fifteen in front of the ugly wife sooner or later...

故事是这样的 的东西 每当十五的时候 学校门口的鲁迅像的眼睛就会动 所有教学楼都会停电 楼梯会从原来的...男生出来了 "切 都是骗人的" 孩子们不欢而散。 出门时 一个看...对应英文:This is the story of things when the school gate when the fifteen Lu Xun like eyes will move all the teaching building will cut the stairs from the original... Boys out "cut is a lie" children part. Out a look...

吃人嘴软,拿人手短啦。。对应英文:Eat soft in the mouth, with the manpower short..


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