

打退堂鼓对应英文:Beat a retreat
释 义;原指封建官吏退堂时打鼓。现在比喻跟人共同做事中途退缩。
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    dǎ tuì táng gǔ
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不要打退堂鼓,我们快成功了。对应英文:Don't beat a retreat, we soon succeed.

现在我不能打退堂鼓了,但我后悔自己参与了这个项目。对应英文:Now I can't beat a retreat, but I regret my participation in this project.

北极熊没有马上打退堂鼓,在碰到充满敌意的“欢迎”委员会后,它摇摆着去了别处,没有深入岛内。对应英文:The polar bear is not immediately beat a retreat, in the face of hostile "welcome" committee, which swung go elsewhere, no further inland.

一般人面对着诸多要求——两份职业、两个孩子——往往会打退堂鼓,但是奥巴马夫妇挺了过来。对应英文:People who face many requirements -- two occupation, two children -- tend to beat a retreat, but Obama couple survived.

爱国可以通过其他方式,但是我不是那种到关键时刻打退堂鼓的人。对应英文:Patriotism may through other way, but I'm not the kind of moment that beat a retreat.

事实上,参与本月底竞标的公司中无一表露出打退堂鼓的迹象。对应英文:In fact, in the end the bidding companies without a table showing the signs of beat a retreat.

我兴冲冲地参加游泳班,没想到一下水就呛了一口水,学游泳可真不容易,我差点要打退堂鼓了。对应英文:I excitedly to join swimming class, have never thought a water choke a slobber, swimming is not easy, I almost want to beat a retreat.

但是,我们一茬又一茬的战士,没有一个打退堂鼓的。对应英文:However, we one stubble another stubble warrior, not a beat a retreat.

随着功课的增多,渐渐感到力不从心,好几次想打退堂鼓。对应英文:With the increase in homework, is beginning to feel powerless, and good times to beat a retreat.

如果没有坚定的信念和行之有效的方法,学习者打退堂鼓是迟早的事。对应英文:If no firm belief and effective approach, learners to beat a retreat is sooner or later.

当男人收到她不相信他可以满足她需求的讯息时,会觉得被拒绝,因而立刻打退堂鼓。对应英文:When a man receives she doesn't trust him to fulfill her needs information, will feel rejected, so immediately beat a retreat.

然而,这次不是收购方打退堂鼓,而是原先同意融资的银行不愿担风险。对应英文:However, this is not the acquisition side beat a retreat, but agreed to finance banks were reluctant to take risks.

不要一遇到挫折就打退堂鼓,至少你应该再试一次。对应英文:Don't be a frustration, beat a retreat, you should at least try again.

网站的发展遇到不少问题,我现在也很困惑,甚至有些想打退堂鼓的想法。对应英文:Development of the website encounters many problems, I now also very confused, and even some want to beat a retreat.

这是我遇到过最困难的事情,有很多次我都想打退堂鼓了。对应英文:This is the hardest thing I've ever attempted, there are many times I want to beat a retreat.

我不习惯男人在前戏时就打退堂鼓了。对应英文:I'm not used to the man beat a retreat when the foreplay.

数次后,女人误以为是因她有所求,男人才打退堂鼓,而不知道男人需要的是被信任。对应英文:After several times, a woman mistakenly thought it was because she is seeking something, man to beat a retreat, but do not know the men need to be trusted.

男人无法对命令或气愤做出好的回应,就算男人乐意给与支持,她的气愤或命令却会使他打退堂鼓。对应英文:A man unable to command or angry reply well, even if a man is willing to give support, her resentment or demands will lead him to beat a retreat.

要是我们不能从别的地方弄到钱,那就只好赶紧打退堂鼓了。对应英文:If we don't get some extra money from somewhere, that we shall have to beat a retreat.

有时经不起挫折和考验,一失败就打退堂鼓,缺乏坚韧不拔的个性。对应英文:Sometimes cannot withstand the setbacks and challenges, a failure to beat a retreat, the lack of firm and indomitable personality.

马多克斯:你说得对,所以我另个朋友韦恩决定不参加课程,最初他很想来,但后来知道所需费用,两天课程收这么多钱,就打退堂鼓。对应英文:Maddox: you're right, so my other friend Wayne decided not to attend the course, he initially wanted to, but later know the cost, two day course collect so much money, they beat a retreat.

但上述问题并未使科学家打退堂鼓,有些人已经组织公司来寻求延缓老化的治疗策略。对应英文:But the problem does not allow scientists to beat a retreat, some people have been organized company searching for treatments to slow aging.

她觉得不能打退堂鼓,必须继续过那贫困而单调的生活。对应英文:She felt unable to beat a retreat, must continue to the poor and the monotonous life.

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