

给个棒棰就当针对应英文:Give a battledore when needle

这是个歇后语。应该是棒槌当针,棒槌,就是捶打用的木棒,多用来洗衣服,和针的大小粗细悬殊,显然不能成立,就是不能当针------不能当真。 为什么好多人会棒槌当针就是因...对应英文:This is a two-part allegorical sayings. Should be made when the needle, wooden club, is beating with sticks, used to wash the clothes, and the needle size gap, obviously can not be established, is not when the needle, not really. Why a lot of people will be made when the needle is due...

"棒棰"是指很笨,不开窍的人或者是指某人在某个领域一窍不通,可以说这个人在这个领域是个"棒棰"对应英文:"Bangchui" means stupid, don't understand or who refers to be utterly ignorant of someone in a certain field, it can be said that this man is a "Bangchui in this field"

圆锥花序扇形,长-厘米,主轴无毛或被短毛,仅延伸至花序的中部以下,具-个分枝分枝较强壮,长-厘米,斜升或稍开展,每节具短柄和长柄小穗,有时在穗轴基部见有...对应英文:Panicles sector, long - cm, glabrous or pubescent below the main shaft, the middle only extends to the inflorescence branching, with a relatively strong, long - cm, obliquely ascending or slightly spreading, each with short handle and a long handle spikelet, sometimes in the rachis base saw...

有人说某某是个"棒槌",意思就是说这个人头脑太简单了,或者是一点都不明事理。还有人在议论什么事情的时候,冷不丁脱口而出"棒槌"二字,那一定是说这件事办得水平不够,甚...对应英文:Some people say that this is a "stick", meaning that the human brain is too simple, or is a bit unreasonable. There are people in discussing what things, cold not the d escape one's lips "Bangchui" two characters, it must be said that it was not, even...

事没有计划缺乏条理东忙一下西忙一下北方俗语也说做"东一榔头,西一扫帚"不能再详细了大概这么个意思吧对应英文:It has no plans to disorganized busy busy East West North saying also said "East a hammer, West a broom" can't detailed about so mean

服用山参能男不遗精,女不崩漏。   山参传说   人参,亦叫棒棰草、神草、地精等。关于地精的名称来历还有个传说   相传隋文帝时,上党有人宅后每夜间闻人呼声,...对应英文:Taking ginseng can male not nocturnal emission, female not metrorrhagia. Ginseng ginseng legend, also called battledore grass, grass God, goblin etc.. A goblin name origin and a legend Sui Wendi, Shangdang people home every night celebrity voice,...

个人觉得领比较好看,圆领也不错,领子周围最好是一色的,其他地方可以有点花纹什么的,这样穿出来比较好看!对应英文:Personally feel that brought more good-looking, - well, collar around the best color, other places can be a bit pattern of what, so wear out more good-looking!

. 长期服用本品可致耐受性。. 孕妇慎用。. 儿童用量请咨询医师或药师。. 当本品性状发生改变时禁用。. 如服用过量或发生严重不良反应时应立即就医。. 儿童必须在...对应英文:Use of this product may induce tolerance. Long term. Pregnant women with caution. Children's dosage. Please consult a physician or pharmacist. . when the characteristics of the product changes. If overdose or serious adverse reactions should be immediately. Children must be in...

公交车大概要分钟吧,打的分钟够了对应英文:The bus is about to minutes, dozens of minutes is enough

会宾客大宴. 欲棰杀之. 从小丘西行百二十步. 台中像群仙. 泉而茗者. 罍而歌者. 红装而蹇者. 人恒过. 神弗福也. 公将鼓之. 请师之. 一狼洞其中. ...对应英文:Guests will be all to kill. Hammer. West from the hill up step. Taichung like group of fairy. Spring and tea. Lei and singer. Red and Jian. One constant. God Fufu. Public will drum. Please divisions. The hole in which a wolf...


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