

好风凭借力对应英文:Good wind with force

韶华休笑本无根 好风凭借力, 送我上青云。 好风凭借力依恃、借助好风的力量。 参考全词翻译 白玉堂前春光似在舞蹈, 东风缓缓卷动柳絮节奏均匀。 柳絮满天犹如蜂蝶...对应英文:Shaohua laugh off the rootless good wind force, send me the albatron. Therefore, in virtue of wind by the force of the wind. Reference the word translation baiyutang before spring like in the dance, Dongfeng slowly scrolling catkins even rhythm. The catkins sky like bees and butterflies...

好风凭借力, 送我上青云。 【年代】清 【作者】曹雪芹 【作品】临江仙 【内容】 白玉堂前春解舞, 东风卷得均匀。 蜂团蝶阵乱纷纷 几曾随逝水 岂必委芳尘 万缕千...对应英文:Good wind force, send me the albatron. [author] [in] clear [Cao Xueqin] [content] works of Lin Jiang Xian baiyutang before spring solution dance, Dongfeng roll evenly. Bee butterfly array tangled with the it will appoint a fragrant dust of 10 thousand thousand...

是"好风凭借力,送我上青云"吧宝钗写的柳絮词,原意是说柳絮随风飘上青天,但也可以通过这是看出宝钗的心气很高,想要有一番作为。也有很多人认为这是说宝钗一心想当宝二...对应英文:"Good wind force, send me on Qingyun." she wrote the words meant the willow catkins, floating on the sky, but also by this is that her heart was high, want to have a as. There are a lot of people think it is said she wanted to when Po two...

好风凭借力 送我上青云 这是薛宝钗写的《柳絮词》里的一句 一般人写柳絮 都说 无牵无挂 漂泊无依等 例如林黛玉的"也难挽系也难羁,一任东西南北各分离" 可是 薛宝钗 反...对应英文:In virtue of wind to send me the Albatron Xue Baochai wrote that "the word in a sentence like" common people write catkins are rootless said without a tie in the world such as Lin Daiyu's "also pull is also difficult supervision as the four corners of the world, but the separation" of Xue Baochai...

这首词一反前面几首的颓唐丧败,表现了宝钗性格中豁达、乐观的一面,"好风凭借力,送我上青云",可以说就是宝钗对未来命运的祈祷和希翼,是她对未来幸福的向往和憧憬。许多...对应英文:But his defeat this poem to a previous song, side show Baochai character open-minded, optimistic, "good wind force, send me the Albatron", can be said to pray and hope that her future fate, is she to the future happy yearning and longing. Many...

几曾随流水,岂必委芳尘。 万缕千丝终不改,任他随聚随分。韶华休笑本无 根,好风频借力,送我上青云。这首词的大意是春风仿佛也能理解柳絮,将它均匀地飘散在白玉堂前。...对应英文:A few had with water, it will appoint fragrant dust. Countless ties do not change the end, let him with poly with. Shaohua laugh off the rootless, good wind frequency of leveraging, Qingyun on me. "This poem is the spring breeze as if also can understand the catkins, will it evenly scattered in before him. ...

有才干的人能借助外力,帮助自己获得成功,或者说成功需要机遇对应英文:Talented people can help, help you succeed, or success needs the opportunity

薛宝钗 反其道而行之说 那我可以凭借"好风",送我直上云霄有评论家说 是她想要登上宝二奶奶的宝座野心的暗示姑妄听之但我不以为然对应英文:Xue Baochai act in a diametrically opposite way that I can rely on "good wind," send me straight on the clouds have critics say she wanted to put on the two grandma's throne ambition that I just listen to without taking it seriously but not to regard it as right

薛宝钗。 表现了她不可一世的心于特征。对应英文:Xue Baochai. The performance of her proud heart to feature.

好风凭借力 送我上青云 这是薛宝钗写的《柳絮词》里的一句对应英文:In virtue of wind to send me the Albatron Xue Baochai wrote that "the word in a sentence" willow catkin


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