

物以稀为贵对应英文:Scarcity value

我们在传统的供需社会中长大。在这样的社会里,物以稀为贵。对应英文:We grew up in the traditional supply and demand in the society.

当然这只是我的意见,当谈到纪念,我觉得物以稀为贵,这就是为什么越南老兵纪念碑如此深刻的原因之一。对应英文:Of course this is just my opinion, when it comes to commemorate, I feel content with rare for expensive, which is why one of the reasons for the Vietnam veterans memorial is so deep.

中国的铠甲相对来说就少些了,物以稀为贵吧,我更看好中国铠甲。对应英文:China's armor is relatively less, content with rare for expensive, I'm more bullish on China's armor.

我们在传统的供需社会中长大。在这样的社会里,物以稀为贵。对应英文:We grew up in the traditional supply and demand in the society.

当然这只是我的意见,当谈到纪念,我觉得物以稀为贵,这就是为什么越南老兵纪念碑如此深刻的原因之一。对应英文:Of course this is just my opinion, when it comes to commemorate, I feel content with rare for expensive, which is why one of the reasons for the Vietnam veterans memorial is so deep.

中国的铠甲相对来说就少些了,物以稀为贵吧,我更看好中国铠甲。对应英文:China's armor is relatively less, content with rare for expensive, I'm more bullish on China's armor.

但是由于中医传统,野生的虎类仍将是物以稀为贵。对应英文:But because of traditional Chinese medicine, wild tiger will still be content with rare for expensive.

你或许会想到“物以稀为贵”,女孩就会因此而得到更多重视,但这是不会发生的。对应英文:You might think about "content with rare for expensive", the girl will get more attention because of this, but this is not going to happen.

化石燃料是有限的,在需求膨胀的情况下,自然就会成为稀缺资源,而物以稀为贵,高油价似乎天经地义。对应英文:Fossil fuels is limited, in the case of the expansion of the demand, will naturally become scarce resources, and content with rare for expensive, high oil prices seems to be granted.

幻想着有一天,能爬上那座山,摘一片红叶,夹在书中。只一片,人们说物以稀为贵。对应英文:Dream, one day, can climb up the mountain, pick a piece of red leaves, in the book.

物以稀为贵。对应英文:Scarcity value.

医生和牙医知道物以稀为贵,并以此指导自己的行为。对应英文:Doctors and dentists know content with rare for expensive, and to guide their behavior.

物以稀为贵,由于受到低温冻害的影响,本省茶叶的产量下降,造成了上市“新茶”价格上扬的格局。对应英文:Scarcity value, due to the influence of low temperature freezing injury, the province tea production, created the situation of the listed "agency" prices.

俗语物以稀为贵wù yǐ xī wéi guì是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/242.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

解释 事物因稀少而觉得珍贵。 出处 唐·白居易《小岁日喜谈氏外孙女孩满月》诗:“物以稀为贵,情因老更慈。”用 法 复句式;作宾语、分句;指物品因稀少而珍贵 示 例 鲁迅《朝花夕拾·藤野先生》:“大概是~罢。北京的白菜运往浙江,便用红头绳系住菜根。”

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