

吃别人嚼过的馍不香对应英文:Eat bun others chewed not sweet

就是说用旧的东西总没有新的东西用起来舒服对应英文:That old things always not comfortable with new things

可以吃的,他属于钙物质,没什么影响.对应英文:Can eat, he belongs to the calcium material, not what effect

人的唾液中含有一种消化酶唾液淀粉酶。它会吧淀粉降解为麦芽糖。麦芽糖有甜香的味道,这就是为什么越嚼越香。咀嚼的时间长了,形成的麦芽糖越多。对应英文:Human saliva contains a digestive enzymes amylase. It will now degradation of starch to maltose. Malt sugar sweet flavor, this is why the more chewing the more fragrant. Chewing a long time, the formation of maltose more.

观察一下狗狗的反应,如果它吃饭、喝水都正常,那就没什么事。但你要注意观察一下,它的便便里有没有把槟榔核排出来。这个对于小泰迪可能有些困难。一般这个是无法在胃内...对应英文:Look at the dog's reaction, if eat, drink are normal, that is not what happened. But you have to watch it, his poo have Betel nut kernel row out. This may be difficult for small Tactic. In general this is not in the stomach...

美丽康牌,是口含或嚼服,每日次,每次片 适用人群、假性近视、易感冒、抵抗力差、蛀牙、生长发育中的儿童、厌食偏食、多动症、反应迟钝者。 服用方法及用量 推荐美...对应英文:Beautiful Kang brand, is the buccal or chewing, once daily, each piece is suitable the crowd, pseudomyopia, easy cold, poor resistance, tooth decay, growth and development of children, anorexia, hyperactivity, unresponsive person. Usage and dosage recommended beauty...

适用人群、假性近视、易感冒、抵抗力差、蛀牙、生长发育中的儿童、厌食偏食、多动症、反应迟钝者。 服用方法及用量 推荐美丽康牌,厂家直销,品质好,服务好,诚信单...对应英文:Applicable to the crowd, pseudomyopia, easy cold, poor resistance, tooth decay, growth and development of children, anorexia, hyperactivity, unresponsive person. Usage and dosage recommended beautiful Hong card, factory direct sales, good quality, good service, good faith only...

不利于消化,加重肠胃负担对应英文:Is not conducive to digestion, increase the burden of gastroenteritis

嚼着吃,随水吞服也行~推荐美丽康牌,厂家直销,品质好,服务好,诚信单位,绝对值得信赖的产品!对应英文:Chewing, swallowing with water is also OK ~ recommend beautiful Hong card, factory direct sales, good quality, good service, integrity unit, absolutely trustworthy products!

适用人群、假性近视、易感冒、抵抗力差、蛀牙、生长发育中的儿童、厌食偏食、多动症、反应迟钝者。 推荐美丽康牌,厂家直销,品质好,服务好,诚信单位,绝对值得信赖的...对应英文:Applicable to the crowd, pseudomyopia, easy cold, poor resistance, tooth decay, growth and development of children, anorexia, hyperactivity, unresponsive person. Recommend the beautiful Hong card, factory direct sales, good quality, good service, integrity unit, absolutely trustworthy...

特点与功效 每片含提取自天然大蒜的蒜氨酸.毫克及蒜素.毫克,经功能试验证明,具有增强免疫力的保健功能。 外层覆有肠溶包衣,保护有效成分安全通过胃酸,到达肠道才...对应英文:Features and functions of each tablet contains extracted from natural garlic alliin and garlic. Mg. Mg, proved by the functional test, it can enhance immunity. The outer layer coated with enteric coating, to protect the safety of effective ingredients of the gastric acid, reach the gut...


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