

明察秋毫之末对应英文:Because of very small

明足以察秋毫之末',而不见舆薪,则王许之乎" 曰"否。" "今恩足以及禽兽,而功不至对应英文:Bright enough to observe very small ', and not see and salary, then Wang promised "said" No. "" this well enough and animals, but not to work

这个故事是这样的 齐宣王问孟子说"齐桓公、晋文公在春秋时代称霸的事迹,您可以讲给我听吗" 孟子回答说"孔子的学生们没有谈到齐桓公、晋文公的事迹的,所以也没有传...对应英文:The story is this Qi xuanwang asked Mencius said "the Duke, Duke Wen of Jin in the spring and Autumn Period dominate the deeds, you can talk to me" Mencius replied "students Confucius without talking about the Duke, Duke Wen of Jin deeds, so there is no pass...

以利吾国'大夫曰'何以利吾家'士庶人曰'何以利吾身'上下交征利而国危矣。万乘之国弑其君者,必千乘之家千乘之国弑其君者,必百乘之家。万取千焉,千取百焉,不为不多矣...对应英文:For the benefit of my country 'the doctor says' why Lee home' Shi Shu said 'why' and my body down syndrome and country risk. A big country as the gentleman, will be a thousand home 1000 units country led to the gentleman, will take home a hundred. Take a thousand thousand Yan, the Yan, not less...

可以说明察秋毫,一个人从我眼前一过,我看得出来他什么性格。我们这里所讲的思维变革,主要是指因受纳米技术..."的典故出自《孟子·梁惠王上》中"明察秋毫之末,而不见车舆薪...对应英文:That may escape, a man from my eyes, I could see he was what character. We speak here of the thought change, mainly is refers by nanotechnology... "The story from" Mencius, King Hui of Liang "s on in" very small, and not see the carriage paid...

可以说明察秋毫,一个人从我眼前一过,我看得出来他什么性格。 我们这里所讲的思维变革,主要是指因受纳米技..."的典故出自《孟子·梁惠王上》中"明察秋毫之末,而不见车舆薪...对应英文:That may escape, a man from my eyes, I could see he was what character. We speak here of the thought change, mainly is refers by nano technology... "The story from" Mencius, King Hui of Liang "s on in" very small, and not see the carriage paid...

目光敏锐,可以看清鸟兽的毫毛,而看不到一车柴草。比喻为人精明,只看到小节,看不到大处。对应英文:Keen eyes, you can see the birds and animals remains, and not see a car firewood. Metaphor is smart, only to see the bar, not to take.

.文中出现了好几个成语,请写出三个来。 庞然大物、明察秋毫、怡然自得 .文章末一句"神定,捉蛤蟆,鞭数十,驱之别院"表现了作者幼小心灵中怎样的思想感情 反映了作者...对应英文:Several idioms. In this paper, please write three to. Huge monster, discover the minutest detail in everything, be happy and pleased with oneself. The last sentence of "God, catch toad, whip dozens, neither of the flooding" shows how thoughts and feelings of the young heart reflects the author...

明察秋毫 释 义 明察看清秋毫秋天鸟兽身上新长的细毛。原形容人目光敏锐,任何细小的事物都能看得很清楚...《孟子·梁惠王上》"明足以察秋毫之末,而不见舆薪,则王许之...对应英文:Discover the minutest detail in everything well see autumn autumn release righteousness all the animals and birds as the new long hair. The original describe sharp eyes, any tiny things can look very clearly... "Mencius, King Hui of Liang" on "Ming to observe very small, invisible and salary, Wang Xuzhi...

词 目 明察秋毫 发 音 í á ū á 释 义 明察看清秋毫秋天鸟兽身上新长的细毛。原形容人目光敏...《孟子·梁惠王上》"明足以察秋毫之末,而不见舆薪,则王许之乎...对应英文:Word order discover the minutest detail in everything sounds í á ū á release righteousness well see autumn have autumn birds and beasts body new long hair. The original describe eyes sensitive... "Mencius, King Hui of Liang" on "Ming to observe very small, invisible and salary, then Wang promised almost...

再查九画意思鸟兽的细毛词语意思意为视力好到能察辨秋天鸟兽的细毛。后用"明察秋毫"形容人精明,目光敏锐,能洞察一切。对应英文:Fine words mean. Then check the nine meaning of painting and good eyesight to spot autumn birds wool. After the "discover the minutest detail in everything" to describe people smart, sharp eyed, can have a keen insight into matters.


词目 明察秋毫之末,而不见舆薪   发音 无  释义 眼力能看到一根毫毛的末梢,而看不到一车柴草。比喻只看到小处,看不到大处。   

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