

何乐而不为对应英文:What is there against it
何乐而不为 ( hé lè ér bù wéi )

如果你不用启动电脑就能做到这些,何乐而不为呢?对应英文:If you don't have to start the computer can do this, why not?

中国股票市场一直涨势强劲,估值不错且审批很快,何乐而不为呢?对应英文:China's stock market has been strong, good valuations and approval soon, why not?

有时候想想,一个孩子面对另一个孩子的指责,略带自潮的显示自己的大度,智慧,还能堵住他的嘴巴,真是感叹,这一点智慧与幽默,何乐而不为呢 ?对应英文:Sometimes think, one of the children in the face of another child, slightly since the tide show their generosity, wisdom, also blocked his mouth, really lamenting, that wisdom and humor, why not?

中国股票市场一直涨势强劲,估值不错且审批很快,何乐而不为呢?对应英文:China's stock market has been strong, good valuations and approval soon, why not?

有时候想想,一个孩子面对另一个孩子的指责,略带自潮的显示自己的大度,智慧,还能堵住他的嘴巴,真是感叹,这一点智慧与幽默,何乐而不为呢 ?对应英文:Sometimes think, one of the children in the face of another child, slightly since the tide show their generosity, wisdom, also blocked his mouth, really lamenting, that wisdom and humor, why not?

这样的‘假离婚’将给二套房买主省下很多钱,所以何乐而不为呢?对应英文:Such a 'fake' divorce will give second-home buyers save a lot of money, so why not?

既然如此,谷歌何乐而不为呢?对应英文:In that case, Google what is there against it?

没错,这些事情你都可以自己做,但是当你对下载视频十分狂热时,你还来得及一切都自己弄吗? 有这样一个帮手,何乐而不为呢?对应英文:Yes, these things you can do your own, but when you to download the video feverish all you still had time to get yourself?

你可能用火狐工作已经很长时间,那么增加火狐的功能来提高工作效率,何乐而不为?对应英文:You may work with firefox has been a long time, then increase the function of the firefox to improve work efficiency, why not?

如果看电视让你平淡的家务活中有乐趣,或者让你坚持你的兴趣爱好,那何乐而不为呢?对应英文:If watching TV make you have fun in the mundane chores, or make you insist on your interests, why not?

如果仅仅搬一搬床铺,拔一下插头,买一个新台灯就能够减少生病的几率,增加我们的睡眠质量,生产力和生活质量。 何乐而不为呢?对应英文:If only move a moving bed, pull the plug, buy a new desk lamp can reduce the risk of illness, increase our sleep quality, productivity and quality of life.

表单是网站的一个重要部分,但制作表单很耗时间,那么,既然有个免费的网站能加快你的表单开发进度,何乐而不为?对应英文:Form is an important part of the site, but make the form is time-consuming, so, now that there is a free website can speed up your form development progress, what is there against it?

这就是你的不对,大家都是兄弟,住在一个房间里,你把它拾起来有没有什么损失,反而沟通了感情、融洽了气氛,何乐而不为呢?对应英文:This is your wrong, we are all brothers and lived in a room, you picked it up for any losses, but the feelings of communication, harmonious atmosphere, so why not?

目前,许多的在线词典提供的帮助不亚于印刷的词典,因此,利用在线词典何乐而不为呢?对应英文:At present, many online dictionaries offer of help as much as printed dictionaries, so why not use online dictionary?

Chaffee先生说,既然Twitter已经成为提供消费信息的最佳场所之一,那使得人们可以从网站上就购买到东西,这何乐而不为呢?对应英文:Mr. Chaffee said, now that Twitter has become one of the best place to provide consumer information, that can make people from the site to buy things, why not?

能够救活一条走在生活最边缘地微弱生命,能够改变一段命运,那又何乐而不为呢问号?对应英文:To save a walk on the edge of the life the most weak life, can change a period of fate, so why not question mark?

假设漫长的一天过后,用一杯合宜的苏格兰威士忌或是一顿美餐让你恢复心情平和,何乐而不为呢。对应英文:Suppose, after a long day with a glass of decent scotch whisky, or a good meal let you restore the mood calm, why not do it.

因为经济适用房的成本是政府按普通住宅标准限定的,在限定的普通住宅的房价内发展商自愿做出高品质的居住社区,老百姓何乐而不为呢!对应英文:Since the cost of affordable housing is according to the ordinary housing standard limited government, the average house prices limit developers voluntary to make high quality living community, common people too!

将中国的文化引入到作品中,既可以提高作品的品位,又可以吸引眼球,何乐而不为呢?对应英文:Introducing Chinese culture to the works, can improve the grade of the works, and can attract eyeball, so why not?

如果你能够获得更美味,更新鲜,而且只要花在商店买的价钱的一部分,何乐而不为呢?对应英文:If you can get more delicious, fresh, and as long as spend part of the price in a shop, so why not?

带饭会浪费更多的时间,如果吃食堂的话,就可以省去这些时间去学习,提高成绩,何乐而不为?对应英文:Lunch will waste more time, if a canteen, you can save the time to learn, improve grades, what is there against it?

同事感冒你体贴地递上药丸,路过饼店顺道给同事买下午茶,这些都是举手之劳,何乐而不为?对应英文:Colleagues cold you kindly pass on pills, pass by cake shop dropping in to a colleague to buy afternoon tea, all of these are easy, why not?

简洁明了的色彩使人如沐春风。午后,坐在柔软的大床上,削一个青苹果满足自己的口腹,何乐而不为。对应英文:Simplicity of the color make the inspiring.

即避免单纯学习语言所带来的枯燥感,又能使英语水平得以提高,何乐而不为呢?对应英文:Which avoid boring feeling, pure language learning and to improve the English level, so why not?

在展示自己的同时,可以锻炼自己的英语和胆量,还可以得到非常精美的礼品,留下一段美好的回忆,这样一举三得的美差,何乐而不为?对应英文:In the show at the same time, can exercise their own English and courage, also can get a very nice gift, leave a good memory, so plum assignment works, what is there against it?

对您来说,您不只在扩展您目的市场这方面得到了具体方案,您还有一个值得信赖又有实力的帮手辅您左右,何乐而不为呢?对应英文:For you, you not only in the area of extend your aim market got the concrete plans, do you have a reliable and powerful helpers and auxiliary around you, so why not?

提供保健按摩油,往您身体擦拭,然后用按摩的方法让保健油渗入您体内,让您在享受生活的同时又进行的养生保健。何乐而不为呢。对应英文:To provide health care massage oil, to wipe your body, and then use of ways to make health care massage oil seep into your body, let you enjoy life at the same time to health care.

俗语何乐而不为hé lè ér bù wéi是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/322.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

解 释 有什么不乐于去做的呢?表示愿意去做。 出 处 清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第三十六回:“此地河道,为患已久,居民被害已深,闻贵人修治河道,虽士商人等,亦必乐于从事;况又发给工钱饭食,那些小民,何乐不为?” 示 例 这件事对国家对个人都有益处,~?  

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