

打开窗户说亮话对应英文:Open the window and it

公开说明,直言不讳,有话直说近义词实话实说、打开窗户说亮话 用法作宾语、分句指实话实说不避讳对应英文:Disclosed, call a spade a spade a spade, a honest, open the window, it uses object clause refers to the truth not taboo

不明不白对应英文:Not clear

打开窗子说亮话 和 直言不讳意思相近, 但不能说是近意词, 因为打开窗子说亮话不是一个词语对应英文:Out with it and call a spade a spade with similar meaning, but can not be said to be near the Italian word, because open the window so that light is not a word

他说话很有道理,我们都喜欢听他说话。李老师上下班的时候从不坐车,他风趣地说他是安步当车,自享其乐。李老...我也成了一名小学教师,闲暇时还会想起李老师,想起李老师那...对应英文:He spoke very reasonable, we all like listening to him. Teacher Li's work never ride, he humorously said he was walk in a carriage, enjoys its. Li Lao... I have been a primary school teacher, leisure will think of Miss Li, Li the teacher think that...

(清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》第二十七回)【近义词】实话实说、直言不讳、打开窗户说亮话【用法】作宾语、分句指实话实说不避讳。【俗语】古时候人们的房顶上都开一个天...对应英文:(Qing Li Baojia "officialdom Xianxing Hutchison" twenty-seventh) [synonym] honest, call a spade a spade, open the window it [usage] as the object, clause refers to the truth not taboo. [saying] in ancient times, people on the roof opened a day...

打开窗子谈心---说亮话 题错了吧 打开窗子说亮话 -- 直截了当对应英文:Open the window to talk --- it questions wrong. Open the window it -- say without mincing words

打开窗户说亮话对应英文:Open the window and it

有的人认为得到一些必须要失去一些才合理。事实上,好人不一定都长命,坏人不一定都倒霉。武则天杀人无数被奉为一代女皇,雷锋无私奉献被车轮子碾。这个世界就是这么现实...对应英文:Some people think that some must lose some rational. In fact, the good is not always long, bad guys are not necessarily bad. Wu Zetian kill countless was regarded as the generation of the queen, Lei Feng's selfless car wheels roll. The world is so real...

公开说明,直言不讳,有话直说 近义词实话实说、打开窗户说亮话 用法作宾语、分句指实话实说不避讳对应英文:Disclosed, call a spade a spade a spade, a honest, open the window, it uses object clause refers to the truth not taboo

有些人是因为对车的味道过敏,这样的话就打开好。而有些人是小脑不发达,平衡感差,再加上车的颠簸,导致晕眩的感觉,这种情况会附带有耳鸣的症状,因此开不开窗都无所谓,...对应英文:Some people is because the car smell allergy, so open. And some people are the cerebellum undeveloped, poor sense of balance, plus the bump, cause sensation of dizziness, this situation will have the symptoms of tinnitus, therefore not open window does not matter,...



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