

读史使人明志对应英文:Histories make man Ming Zhi

这是英国哲学家佛朗西斯培根的话读史使人明智,读诗使人灵透,数学使人精细,物理使人深沉,伦理使人庄重,逻辑修辞使人善辩 我认为这句话的正确性在于中国的一句古话以史...对应英文:This is the British philosopher Francis Bacon. Histories make men wise, poets Lingtou, mathematics makes fine, physics makes people deep, moral grave, logic and rhetoric able to contend. I think this sentence is correct in Chinese of an old saying in history...

读史使人明智,读诗使人灵透,数学使人精细,物理使人深沉,伦理使人庄重,逻辑修辞使人善辩,正如古人所云学皆成性。不仅如此,连心智上的各种障碍都可以读适当之书而令其...对应英文:Histories make men wise, poets Lingtou, mathematics makes fine, physics makes people deep, moral grave, logic and rhetoric able to contend, as the ancients nephology is. Not only that, even mental obstacles can be read on the appropriate book and make it...

读史使人明志,读诗使人灵秀!对应英文:Histories make men wise, poets witty!

《史记》《二十五史》《三国志》《资治通鉴》对应英文:"Historical records" "" "the romance of the Three Kingdoms" Zizhitongjian "

柏杨的,接着可以看他的《中国人史纲》,有一定深度如果想增加兴趣,可以读《明朝那些事儿》,千万别看跟风的...小说方面三国可以,但我更认为读读《东周列国志》更好,那个更...对应英文:Bo Yang, then can see his "Chinese history", have certain depth if you want to add interest, can read "Ming Dynasty those things", don't look to follow the trend of the Three Kingdoms... Novels can be, but I also think that read "wbzd" better, the more...

读史使人明智,读诗使人聪慧,演算使人精密,哲理使人深刻,伦理学使人有修养,逻辑修辞使人善辩。总之,知识能塑造人的性格对应英文:Histories make men wise, poets witty, calculus makes precision, natural philosophy deep, ethics makes people have culture, logic and rhetoric able to contend. In short, the knowledge to be able to shape personality

读史可以明智我觉得非常正确.不过这"智"并不是小聪明或者个人思维能力的上升,而是在遇到事情时候的处理能力. 前段时间我看资治通鉴, 在前言那看到以铜为镜...对应英文:Histories make men wise I think is very correct. But this increase "wisdom" is not clever or individual thinking ability, but in the processing capacity of meet things. Some time ago I see in the mirror, I see in the mirror...

语文使人文雅 ,体育使人强健,音乐使人陶醉,美术使人回忆 或者语文使人知识渊博,体育使人身强体壮,音乐使人欢乐陶醉,美术使人赏心悦目。对应英文:The Chinese people are elegant, sports make people strong, music makes people intoxicated, art make people recall or Chinese people knowledgeable, sports make people healthy, music makes people happy happy, art make people be good to hear or see.

读史使人明智,读诗使人聪慧。对应英文:Histories make men wise, poets witty.

读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深刻,伦理学使人庄重,逻辑修辞之学使人善辩凡有所学,皆成性格。 选自 培根 《论学习》对应英文:Histories make men wise, poets witty, the mathematics subtile, science makes person deep, ethics makes one grave, logic and rhetoric able to contend. Where to study, both into the character. Bacon from the "learning"


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