

千里不同风对应英文:A thousand li different wind

是个多民族国家五十六个民族围成一朵花,不同的民族,不同的风情。不一样的风俗造就了不一样的节日风俗而提到节日风俗,我首先会想到逛庙会,逛庙会这北京风俗相信大家已...对应英文:Is a multi nationality country of fifty-six ethnic groups formed a flower, different nationalities, different customs. Not the same custom made different festivals and customs of the mentioned festival customs, I will first think of visiting the temple, the temple fair the Beijing customs believe that everyone has...

民族众多,所以人们常说 "百里不同风,千里不同俗"。比如南方人习惯吃细粮,北方人喜欢吃粗粮,傣族人习惯住吊脚楼,福建沿海信奉妈祖等等。正所谓"一方水土养一方人",不同...对应英文:Many nationalities, so people often say "in different wind, a thousand different customs". For example, southerners used to eat flour and rice, northerners like to eat coarse grains, the Dai people used to live by, Fujian coastal belief in Mazu etc.. Is the so-called "one side of the water", different...

生产外,还兼营小商业和手工业,生产工艺水平都比较高。绝大多数的回民信仰伊斯兰教,遵循教规,风俗不吃猪肉,以牛、羊、鸡肉为食。回族节日主要有"尔仪"...对应英文:The production, but also run a small business and handicraft industry, the level of production technology is relatively high. Most of the Hui Muslims, follow the rules, customs and do not eat pork, beef, lamb, chicken to eat. Hui festival mainly "Er instrument"...

相隔十里,两地的生活风气不同,相隔百里,习俗不同,相隔千里,人情世事不同。多在人际交往中用到这个句子,金正昆在谈礼仪-----人际交往法则中用来形容世界存在差异,人和...对应英文:Ten miles, two different life style, separated by hundreds of miles, different customs, thousands of miles apart, human life is different. In interpersonal relationships in the use of this sentence in the world, Jin Zhengkun used to describe differences in etiquette, interpersonal rules, and...

等过了腊月二十以后家家户户就真正的忙碌起来了,每家都要先蒸馒头,炸鸡炸鱼,这个时候按以前的风俗是不允许到人家去的,说是怕灶王爷怪罪,其实啊就是以前的生活不好,家...对应英文:After the twenty after each and every family is really busy, every family must first steamed Steamed buns, fried chicken, fried fish, this time at the old customs are not allowed to go to someone's house, said to be afraid of the kitchen god blame, actually is the previous life is not good, home...

"百里不同风,千里不同俗".每个地方都有不同的特色。今天,就让我带大家走进广东民风民俗大观园吧! 凉茶 广东人最爱饮凉茶,认为凉茶是身体的保险公司, 有病服即能治病,...对应英文:"In different wind, a thousand different customs." every place has different characteristics. Today, let me take you to the Guangdong Customs garden! Tea Cantonese love drinking herbal tea, herbal tea is the body that the insurance company, have the service that is able to cure illness,...

和毡靴,头缠红蓝布。现在除老人外,平日一般都穿制服,只有在节日或喜宴时才穿蒙古袍。妇女不论冬夏都喜欢穿裙子或连衣裙,用各色头巾包头。 蒙古族人热情好客。招待客人...对应英文:And the boots, wore red blue cloth. Now in addition to the old man, who generally wear uniforms, only in the festival or wedding when wear gowns Mongolia. Women are like summer wear skirts or dresses with colorful headscarves, Baotou. Mongolia people hospitable. Entertain guests...

关中地区人们喜欢吃 汤汤面 。尤其是结婚的时候,可是宝鸡 周至 渭南 一代就不流行对应英文:People like to eat Tang Tangmian in Guanzhong area. Especially when I married, but Baoji Zhouzhi Weinan generation is not popular

回族、维吾尔、哈萨克、东乡、撒拉、塔吉克、乌兹别克、柯尔柯孜、塔塔尔、保安等 、开斋节同圣纪节的民族 、古尔邦节同圣纪节的民族 、藏历年藏族、门巴等民族...对应英文:The Hui, Uygur, Kazak, Uzbek, Tajik, Dongxiang, Sarah, KEERKEZI, Tatar, security, Eid al Fitr and Eid al AdhA, mawlid nation with mawlid ethnic, Tibetan, Monba ethnic Tibetan year...

指各地各有各的风俗习惯。对应英文:Finger throughout each of the customs.


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