

不是省油的灯对应英文:Not fuel-efficient lamp

猪也不是省油的灯,一扑腾,把那人蹬到猪圈角落里四仰八叉的摆起,连脸上都沾上了几坨猪粪。对应英文:The pig is not fuel-efficient lights, a flop, the man down to a corner just a swing up, even on the face was stained with a lump of pig manure.

我在韩国的仁川机场工作过8个月,我发现朝韩双方都不是会省油的灯啊。对应英文:I worked for 8 months in South Korea's Inchon airport, I found that the two sides are not fuel-efficient lamp.

但是奥巴马以及他即将任命的国安会委员都会发现希拉里不是省油的灯。对应英文:But Obama and the Team Guoan he was appointed committee will find Hilary is not fuel-efficient lights.

猪也不是省油的灯,一扑腾,把那人蹬到猪圈角落里四仰八叉的摆起,连脸上都沾上了几坨猪粪。对应英文:The pig is not fuel-efficient lights, a flop, the man down to a corner just a swing up, even on the face was stained with a lump of pig manure.

我在韩国的仁川机场工作过8个月,我发现朝韩双方都不是会省油的灯啊。对应英文:I worked for 8 months in South Korea's Inchon airport, I found that the two sides are not fuel-efficient lamp.

但是奥巴马以及他即将任命的国安会委员都会发现希拉里不是省油的灯。对应英文:But Obama and the Team Guoan he was appointed committee will find Hilary is not fuel-efficient lights.

更何况,他们的智囊团都不是省油的灯,这些顾问们有足够的脑力将一切有利于获胜的言行举止都合理化。对应英文:What's more, they think tanks are not fuel-efficient lamp, the consultants have enough mental will all have to win manners, rationalization.

我们知道西班牙队不是省油的灯,但我们发挥得更出色,这让我们离欧锦赛资格更进了一步。对应英文:We know that the Spanish team is not fuel-efficient lights, but we played well, this let us from the European Championship qualifying went a step further.

当然,马萨也不是省油的灯,他亦对汉密尔顿日前的一些行为进行了反击。对应英文:Of course, Massa is not fuel-efficient lights, he also fought back to Hamilton the other day some behaviors.


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