

鲜花插在牛粪上对应英文:Flowers inserted in cow dung

她人品很好而他脾气差,简直是一朵鲜花插在牛粪上。对应英文:Her character is very good and he has bad temper, it is a flower inserted in cow dung.

鲜花插在牛粪上, 真把她糟踏啦!对应英文:Flowers inserted in cow dung, true ravage her!

华为长期坚持的战略,是基于“鲜花插在牛粪上”战略,从不离开传统去盲目创新,而是基于原有的存在去开放,去创新。对应英文:Huawei insist for a long time strategy, which is based on the strategy of "flowers inserted in cow dung", never depart from the traditional innovation blindly, but based on the existence of the original to open, to innovation.

她人品很好而他脾气差,简直是一朵鲜花插在牛粪上。对应英文:Her character is very good and he has bad temper, it is a flower inserted in cow dung.

鲜花插在牛粪上, 真把她糟踏啦!对应英文:Flowers inserted in cow dung, true ravage her!

华为长期坚持的战略,是基于“鲜花插在牛粪上”战略,从不离开传统去盲目创新,而是基于原有的存在去开放,去创新。对应英文:Huawei insist for a long time strategy, which is based on the strategy of "flowers inserted in cow dung", never depart from the traditional innovation blindly, but based on the existence of the original to open, to innovation.

坦诚地说,她的父亲不喜欢我,认为我跟他的女儿在一起是“一朵鲜花插在牛粪上”。对应英文:Honestly, her father doesn't like me, think I together with his daughter was "a flower inserted in cow dung".

在云平台的前进的过程中,我们一直强调鲜花要插在牛粪上,绑定电信运营商去创新,否则我们的云就不能生存。对应英文:In the process of the advance of the cloud platform, we have stressed flowers inserted in cow dung, binding telecom operators to innovation, otherwise our cloud cannot exist.

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