

长chang一技而无不用对应英文:Long Chang a skill and not

一直解释为经常打扫,"长"通"常","茅檐"是代指庭院,"静"同"净"。于是,首句就解释成了由于经常打扫,庭院干净得一点儿青苔都没有了。 如果不问,这样的解释也可以说得通,...对应英文:Has been interpreted as often clean, "long" pass "often", "Mao eaves" is to refer to the courtyard, "static" and "net". So, the first sentence is explained as due to regular cleaning, courtyard clean little moss are not. If not, this explanation is plausible,...

所以它们被称作"长(àɡ)物"--多余的物,或者说奢侈的物。说是无用,但一个时代的文人却要藉此建立起他们全部的精神生活。对应英文:So they are called "long ()" - the extra matter, or extravagant. Said to be useless, but in an era of literati have helped to establish all their spiritual life.

是说物体的长度数值比较大 的意思是生长,或者年岁比较大,比如"年长""长者"等等。 "长"在这句话里应该是年岁比较大的意思 这句话应该是说没有志向,即使年纪...对应英文:Mean length numerical object larger mean growth, or age is relatively large, such as "older" "elder" etc.. "Long" in this sentence should be age is relatively large. It is said that no ambition, even if the age...

成长 或者说活着的意思对应英文:Growing or living


莫言淡薄少滋味,淡薄之中滋味长。 "长"念 味道是不能说长()的。植物、动物可以说。 粥的味道---在口中-回味悠长()。时间久的意思。对应英文:Mo Yan is less flavor, taste is long. "Long" read the taste is not long (). Plant, animal can say. The taste of porridge - in the mouth - long aftertaste (). For a long time.

用生姜榨汁,擦在头皮,来回擦,生姜有促进头发生长之功效。另选用中性的洗发水,中药那种,如霸王糸列。平时洗头发时,注意要用温水,不要用过热的水冲洗,,少吃辛辣刺激食物...对应英文:With ginger juice, wipe back and forth on the scalp,, ginger has effect of promoting hair growth. The other use neutral shampoo, traditional Chinese medicine that, such as the overlord series. Usually when you wash your hair, pay attention to use warm water, do not use hot water washing,, eat less spicy food stimulation...

"(见《论语集注》)《荀子·子道》篇言君子有终身之乐,无一日之忧,小人有终身之忧,无一日之乐,与此义同。对应英文:"(see" the Analects of Confucius variorum ")" Xunzi son "article said a gentleman of a lifelong joy, not a day of sorrow, the villain has lifelong worry, not a day of music, the same meaning with this.

当然是长短的长,这里指用长的箭 前出塞九首(其六) 杜甫 挽弓当挽强,用箭当用长。 射人先射马,擒贼先擒王。 杀人亦有限,列国自有疆。 苟能制侵陵,岂在多杀伤。 诗...对应英文:Of course is long long, here refers to the use of long before the arrow's nine first (six) Du Fu bow when the pull is strong, with an arrow when using long. Catch a snake by the head is good advice. Capture the ringleader first in order to capture all his followers. Murder is limited, and its own border. If you can make it in more aggression, killing. The poem...

你这个时候长身体,长度够了。手淫可以长大纯属无稽之谈。无科学依据。对应英文:Your body a long time, length is enough. Masturbation can grow is groundless statement. No scientific basis.


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