

背着抱着一般沉对应英文:Holding back the general Shen

手心手背都是肉,背着抱着一般沉就是半斤八两的意思对应英文:The palm meat, holding back the general Shen is just about the same

(新人希望楼主采纳) 话说没有什么深层的含义就是单纯的想告诉你、一个东西或者人,你无论怎么样都是一样重量的 满意请采纳,不满意追问对应英文:(the couple hope to adopt landlord) words does not have what deep meaning is simply to tell you, a thing or person, you no matter what are the same weight of satisfied please accept, not satisfied with the question

就是在你选择的时候,不论你选哪一个答案结果都差不多。对应英文:Is that when you choose, no matter which one you choose the answer results are almost.

接待宾客的当地主人。东道主 足智多谋的人。智囊或者智多星 浑浑噩噩的人。糊涂虫对应英文:Local master reception guests. Host of resource. Think tank or a muddle along without any aim. Idiot

生活中有你极想得到但目前还无法得到的东西,心里负担别太重了,一步一步来。对应英文:In life you want but cannot get something, do not too heavy a burden on the heart, one step at a time.

要常常保持著这位置,却又会容易令到颈项发僵,避免这情况出现,可将两脸肌肉放松往下沉。 要保持正确顶劲,眼...肩沉不下往往是虚领顶劲散掉了 颈项发僵也会影响肩放不松,...对应英文:You want to keep this position, but will be easy to make the neck stiff, to avoid this situation, the two face muscles relax sinking. To maintain the correct top fresh, eye... Shoulder cannot sink is often false collar top fresh powder off neck stiff will also affect the shoulder is not loose,...

稳,个月才能坐稳,所以宝宝正常的。吐奶及睡觉迟可能存在过敏或其他如缺钙。最好带孩子体检一下,了解孩子的情况。然后可以专门咨询我,给予营养及喂养指导。对应英文:Stability, a month to sit tight, so baby normal. Spitting up and goes to bed late may have allergies or other such as calcium deficiency. The best kids physical examination, understanding of the situation of children. Then can be specialized consulting me, giving nutrition and feeding guidance.

背着,但一般脚不离开地面就行了对应英文:Carrying, but generally not just feet off the ground

人不动的时候都很沉,睡觉的人和喝醉酒的人感觉都比平常重,是重心的关系吧。活动的人可以自己调整重心,让自己 的重心处于载物者的最能承重的部位,所以感觉轻吧。 原则...对应英文:Very heavy when the person does not move, sleep and drunk people feel than usual, is the barycenter of the relationship. Activities can adjust the center of gravity oneself, let her center of gravity in the loading of the bearing parts, so the feeling of light. Principle.

应该是好朋友 很可能这个女人遇到什么困难和不开心你老公作为朋友身体安慰她 因为毕竟他们曾经在一起过 你老公心理可能把她当成好朋友妹妹或者没有血缘关系的亲人 等...对应英文:Should be good friend is probably the woman meet what difficulty and unhappy you as a friend to comfort her husband body because they have had together you husband psychology may treat her as a good friend or sister not blood relatives...


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