

打不着狐狸惹身骚对应英文:Don't provoke Sao Fox

就是说想占便宜没占着,反而吃了亏。对应英文:That is to say want to account for cheap and does not occupy, but eating deficit.

狐狸没逮着 反惹一身骚对应英文:The fox didn't catch counter provoke a show

偷羊没偷到(想吃羊肉,抓羊没抓到)反而一身都是羊身上的骚味 偷鸡不成蚀把米 喻指付出了代价却没有成功反而还丢失了某些东西或面子对应英文:Not to steal (stole the sheep eat mutton, catch the sheep didn't catch) instead of a sheep smell no corrosion to the chicken rice metaphor refers to pay the price without success and he lost something or face

老虎不是猫,吃人不用刀。 继续接。。。。对应英文:The tiger is not a cat, eat people don't need a knife. Continue to take....

女人不是妖对应英文:The woman is not the demon

歌名叫女人不是妖对应英文:The song is called the woman is not the demon

谁也别说谁最骚,都是插座找插销,!需要全部的么。对应英文:Who also don't say who the Sao, are looking for plug socket bolt, all you need.

我的歌对应英文:My song

就是狐狸有自己的美丽,但不是妖娆,性感的女人不一定就是骚对应英文:The fox has its own beauty, but not flirtatious, sexy woman is not necessarily

上碟装起来 热油下锅,下葱,蒜,花椒,干辣椒,八角等香料,爆香后加狐狸肉,加少许白酒,翻炒至微黄色。 高压锅加适量高汤,放入炒好的肉猛火烧开后五分钟,再慢火熬十二分钟...对应英文:On the up heat oil to the pot, the next onion, garlic, pepper, dried pepper, star anise and other spices, saute with Fox, add a little white wine, stir fry until yellowish. The pressure cooker add appropriate amount of broth, add the fried meat suddenly opened fire after five minutes, then simmer for twelve minutes...


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