

杀人不见血对应英文:Not to kill blood
词 目 杀人不见血 发 音 shā rén bù jiàn xuè

伪装得最巧妙, 杀人不见血的,是用笔杀人。对应英文:Disguise the most clever, not to kill blood, pen is murder.

这种方法如此杀人不见血,以至于我解释给别人听了之后,一般人也还是弄不懂是怎么一回事。对应英文:This approach so not to kill blood that I explain it to others to listen to, the average person still don't understand is how one and the same.

日本帝国主义将这个杀人不见血的软武器与赤裸裸的武力侵略结合在一起,对中国人民犯下了滔天罪行。对应英文:Japanese imperialism will this not to kill blood RuanWuQi together with the naked military aggression, committed a monstrous crime to the Chinese people.

伪装得最巧妙, 杀人不见血的,是用笔杀人。对应英文:Disguise the most clever, not to kill blood, pen is murder.

这种方法如此杀人不见血,以至于我解释给别人听了之后,一般人也还是弄不懂是怎么一回事。对应英文:This approach so not to kill blood that I explain it to others to listen to, the average person still don't understand is how one and the same.

日本帝国主义将这个杀人不见血的软武器与赤裸裸的武力侵略结合在一起,对中国人民犯下了滔天罪行。对应英文:Japanese imperialism will this not to kill blood RuanWuQi together with the naked military aggression, committed a monstrous crime to the Chinese people.

然而,让苔丝更加心力交瘁的却是杀人不见血的宗教道德观。对应英文:Make her more stressed, however, is not to kill blood religious morality.

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