

小隐隐于山对应英文:Small faint in the mountains

偏又练就一身道行,参透了禅意,方才尘心灭去,归隐于山。在红尘之中持修,做到在尘出尘,在世出世,在家出家,在俗离俗,才是真正的大隐真修对应英文:But he learned a line, what Zen, just dust heart out, the Hermitage in mountain. In the world of mortals to repair, do in the dust dust, earth born, in Zaijiachujia, vulgar vulgar, is the real great saphenous genuine

此句话还有一种说法"小隐隐于泽,大隐隐于市"对应英文:This sentence, there is a saying "small moves in the Ze, hermit in the city"

东晋王康琚《反招隐诗》的开头"小隐隐陵薮,大隐隐朝市。伯夷窜首阳,老聃伏柱史。"李善注"《史记》曰《...中隐隐于市,小隐隐于野"好像是出自二月河的小说《雍正王朝》...对应英文:The Eastern Jin Dynasty Wang Kangju "anti hidden poem" at the beginning of the "little faint Ling sou, hermit in the city. Boyi channeling Shou Yang, Dan V column history. "Li Shan" "historical records" said "... In the hidden in the city, small faint in the wild" seems to be out of his novel "Yong Zheng Dynasty"...

好了。 这是对古时候修道的人的说法。市是指人多的闹市区。而林是指人迹罕至的山林. 对你在山林中修道的道士来说,在山林中很少有人.他只是逃离人群,而不像在闹市中修...对应英文:All right. This is the ancient religious people say. The city is one of many downtown. The forest is few people tread on Taoist mountain. You order in the mountains of speaking, few people. In the forest he just escaped from the crowd, but unlike in downtown repair...

有很多版本,如"小隐隐于野,中隐隐于市,大隐隐于朝。""小隐在山林,大隐于市朝。"等,说的都是一个意思那些所谓的隐士看破红尘隐居于山林是只是形式上的"隐"而已,而真...对应英文:There are many versions, such as "small faint in the wild, hidden in the hidden in the city, hermit in the north. "" little hidden in the mountains, the city in. "And so on, it is a means of so-called hermit be cynical seclusion in the mountain is just a form of" hidden "just, and true...

偏又练就一身道行,参透了禅意,方才尘心灭去,归隐于山。在红尘之中持修,做到在尘出尘,在世出世,在家出家,在俗离俗,才是真正的大隐真修还有一种说法陶渊明有"问君何能尔...对应英文:But he learned a line, what Zen, just dust heart out, the Hermitage in mountain. In the world of mortals to repair, do in the dust dust, earth born, in Zaijiachujia, vulgar vulgar, is the real Ohide Mas there is a saying Tao Yuanming "Jun he asked me...

应该是小隐隐于林大隐隐于市 就是说那些隐居山林的隐士在隐居于闹市的隐士面前只能说是"小巫见大巫" 能在闹市之中依然淡然于心 不随闹市的热闹而心境躁动才是真隐士!...对应英文:It should be a small moves in the forest big moves in the city is the seclusion hermit lived in city hermit before can say is "pale into insignificance by comparison" in the busy still indifferent to the heart not with downtown lively and mood agitation is really a hermit!...

这句话也可以这样说归隐无处不在,小隐隐于肌肤,大隐隐于吾心!对应英文:This sentence can also say this Hermitage everywhere, small moves in the skin, hide in my heart!

古时的隐者多数归隐于山林.但那只能算是小隐.而在烦嚣喧闹的城市中隐起来,是一件很困难很艺术的事,才是隐之高境界,故称为大隐。对应英文:The old hermit most of the Hermitage in the forest. But that is only a small hidden. While in the bustling noisy city in, is a difficult art, is the high level of hidden, it is known as the great saphenous.

偏又练就一身道行,参透了禅意,方才尘心灭去,归隐于山。 在红尘之中持修,做到在尘出尘,在世出世,在家出家,在俗离俗,才是真正的大隐真修 还有一种说法 陶渊明有"问君何...对应英文:But he learned a line, what Zen, just dust heart out, the Hermitage in mountain. In the world of mortals to repair, do in the dust dust, earth born, in Zaijiachujia, vulgar vulgar, is the real great saphenous really fix another says Tao Yuanming "I ask you where...


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