

好看不好用对应英文:Good is not good

代产品有了明显的提升,三防功能更加出众。的推荐和两款,两个机器的运行速度非常不错,并且的优化出色,在同档次安卓智能机里面竞争力很高,看视频出色,...对应英文:Generation of products have been greatly improved, three function is more outstanding. The recommendation and two, speed two machine is very good, and the optimization of well, Android smart machine in the highly competitive in the same grade, watching video well,...

比喻外表很好看,实际上不中用。 这个词的用法极其单调,什么文章如果用到这个词都是千篇一律,如"但是"银样蜡枪头",好看不中用。"对应英文:Metaphor looks very good-looking, but not with. The use of this word is extremely monotonous, what this article if the word is all follow the same pattern, such as "but" with impressive-looking but useless ", good-looking but useless. "

就可以 现在价格都减价差不多 好点就买 诺基亚 二代 推荐你 的 几部新机就可以 去看看!对应英文:You can now prices are on almost a good point to buy Nokia two generation recommended several new machine you can go to have a look!

好多款都不错,挺好看,屏幕又大,价格也都如你要求的那样,上网搜搜看吧。对应英文:Many are good, very good-looking, the screen is large, the price also if you ask me, the Internet search and see.

用惯了苹果你会发现安卓真的用不下去了。我从入门的一路用到旗舰,最后无奈地放弃了安卓,又苦于买不起苹果(只用过朋友的一段时间),最终选择了 ...对应英文:With the inertia of the apple you'll find out An Zhuozhen's not down. I use the flagship from a start, finally reluctantly give up the Android, can not afford apple (with a friend for a period of time), the final choice...

三星的手机垃圾,还是买诺基亚手机吧。给你推荐几款诺基亚性价比高的手机, ,功能都特别强大,价钱也在元以下,如果花元买三星手机,我想你会...对应英文:Samsung mobile phone spam, or buy Nokia mobile phone. Recommend you for several Nokia cost-effective mobile phone, function, are particularly powerful, the price is in yuan of the following, if Hua Yuan to buy a Samsung mobile phone, I think you will...

而且独有三防功能,也就意味着可以在水下录像哦。颜色有黑色,黑白合体熊猫色,还有红色,漂亮又实用,希望回答能让你满意。对应英文:But the unique three functions, also means that you can video under water. Black, black and white body color and red panda,, beautiful and practical, want to make you satisfied with the answer.

推荐你看看这款刚上市很好看的手机! 三星 ( ) 类别手机  品牌(三星)参考价格¥ 商家报价¥ 至 ¥ 上市日期年 手机制式...对应英文:Recommend that you have a look just listed this beautiful mobile phone Samsung mobile phone brand category (!) (Samsung) reference price ¥ merchants offer $to $listing date years mobile phone system...

我个人喜欢,实物比图片好看多了。参数乘分辨率寸屏像素,高通四核系列.,,厚度.毫米,白色窄边棱角设计。对应英文:I personally love, real than the picture look better. Parameters by resolution inch screen pixel, Qualcomm quad core series.,, thickness. Mm, narrow white arris design.

收音机 支持 录音 支持 支持 传输功能 - - 不支持 蓝牙 蓝牙. 电池 类型 - 标配容量 毫安时 理论通话时间 最长 小时 (), 最长小时...对应英文:Radio support recording support transmission function does not support Bluetooth Bluetooth. Cell type - standard capacity MAH theory calls for the longest time (hours), the longest hours...


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