

常在河边站哪有不湿鞋对应英文:Often in the HeBian Railway Station which have not wet shoe

"常在河边走,哪能不湿鞋"是民间的一句俗语,它有其一定的道理,经常在河边走路哪有鞋子不沾泥带水的,这体现了环境对人的影响,与近朱者赤,近墨者黑的道理相似。但是环境...对应英文:"Often in the river walk, which not can wet shoe" is a folk proverb, it has a certain truth, often in the river walk, which have not Zhannidaishui shoes, which reflects the influence of environment on human and he, be similar to, the truth. But the environment...

如果非湿不可,那就尽量让脚感觉不到湿。影子的来源虽说是光照出来的,可是它还是和身有关系。把身板正了,影子就会和身一样正。对应英文:If the non wet can not, then try to let the feet do not feel wet. Shadow of the source although light out, but it is a personal relationship and. The body is the shadow, will and who is.

可上了车就把袜子脱下来,我问她为什么要脱下丝袜,她说怕刮破,我说脚不怕刮破吗,舅妈说"脚破了可以长上"。 所以呀--怕鞋湿光脚好了。对应英文:Be on a vehicle on the socks off, I asked her why she wanted to take off silk stockings, she said if I scratch, scratch that foot is not afraid of you, my aunt said "foot broken can be long". So, afraid of wet shoes barefoot.

常在河边走,就是不打湿鞋。这不是胡扯吗说起这双鞋,话就多了。那是她亲手做的。为给男人纳这双千层底,女人可挨不少针呐。男人是个穷书生,有些迂腐,就爱穿布鞋,而现在...对应英文:Often in the river walk, is not wet shoes. This is not bullshit you speak of this pair of shoes, then more and more. It was of her own making. For men, this pair of cotton, a woman can get a lot of needle. The man is a poor scholar, pedantic, love to wear cloth shoes, and now...

我看周敦颐的《爱莲说》中的一句可以反驳出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖。对应英文:I think Zhou Dunyi is "refined" in a sentence can refute the silt but don't dye, Qinglian Zhuo and not demon.

我认为选"常在河边走,哪有不湿鞋"是一句俗语,意思是经常在河边走路哪有鞋子不沾泥带水的。它相反的句"出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖"对应英文:I think "often in the river walk, which have not wet shoe" is an idiom, meaning is often in the river walk, which have not Zhannidaishui shoes. It instead of the sentence "the silt but don't dye, Qinglian Zhuo and not demon"

一个人要做到常在河边走而不湿鞋肯定不容易,这不但需要他律,更需要自律。 要做到不湿鞋,就要求他能够自觉抵制河水的诱惑和影响,河边的风景很美丽,可是,如果在欣赏美丽...对应英文:A man who wants to do often in the river walk and not wet shoe is certainly not easy, this not only needs heteronomy, need more self-discipline. Do not wet shoe, ask he can consciously resist the temptation and the influence of river, the river scenery is very beautiful, but, if in the appreciation of beauty...

, .对应英文:,

这是句民间俗语吧~~感觉不是诗~~对应英文:This is a folk saying it ~ ~ ~ ~ not feeling poem

就是说常从事有一定危险的工作,早晚会出点儿失误的意思。 比如一个司机常年开车,偶尔有个刮蹭,就是这句话所指的意思。对应英文:That is often engaged in dangerous work, sooner or later will make a mistake. For example, a driver to drive all the year round, occasionally a scratch, refers to the meaning of this sentence.


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