

心病还需心药治对应英文:Heart disease need drug treatment

你是一个很优秀的男生 她不珍惜是她的错 还有一大把女生抢着要和你恋爱 你要知道 要治好心病 先找到病因 你的病因就是 你爱着一个又漂亮有优秀的女生…对应英文:You are a very good boy she doesn't appreciate her wrong, there are a lot of girls wanting you love and you need to know to cure heart disease to find the cause of your cause is that you love a beautiful good girl...

心病终须心药治,解铃还须系铃人 来源《红楼梦》第回有句诗语"心病终须心药治,解铃还须系铃人。"(解铃还须系铃人的出处更早,见下.) 解释思想上的毛病,要用解决思...对应英文:Heart disease have heart medicine to cure, who ties unties from "a dream of Red Mansions" article back to a poem language "will have the cure of disease, should end it is the bell. "(who ties unties. Earlier, see below.) explain the ideological problems, with solutions...

自已做的事,还得自已来了结 自已心里边压着的事情,还须得自已把它放出来对应英文:To do their own thing, also have their own heart to settle a pressing matter, must have their own put it out

心病还需心药医 解铃还需系铃人 一失足成千古恨 再回头已百年身对应英文:Heart medicine for the heart Dog that fetches will carry. I hate eternal and then back to have a century

你说的很对,解铃还须系铃人。在哪摔倒的,在哪爬起来!祝看帖的都开心!对应英文:What you said is right, who ties unties. Where to fall, where up to make everyone happy!

就要用治心的药来治病。要解下绑紧的铃子,就要让那个当初绑上铃子的人来解决。寓意当局者的事,要当局者才...这没用的,心病终须心药医,解铃还须系铃人。还是让她来,这才...对应英文:You should use the heart medicine to cure. To solve the tie the bell, let the original tie the bell people to solve them. The moral thing to the authorities, the authorities... This useless, have heart disease medicine, who ties unties. Let her come, that...

心病还需心药医!归根结底,能够治疗心病的只有自己,旁观者只能够给你意见,却爱莫能助,如果你想走出来,那么就算没有人帮你,没有什么重大的事情发生,你也一样可以治愈,...对应英文:Heart medicine for the heart! In the final analysis, can treat heart disease only themselves, spectators can only give you advice, I don't think I can help, if you want to go out, so even if there is no one to help you, not what great things happen, you too can cure,...

心病还需心药医 解铃还需系铃人比喻由谁引起的麻烦,仍由谁去解决。 这句成语源自一个叫法灯的和尚。据明代瞿汝稷所编佛家禅宗语录《指月录·卷二十三》记载南唐时金...对应英文:Heart medicine for the heart Dog that fetches will carry. parable who cause trouble, is who is going to solve. This idiom comes from a monk called lamp. According to Qu Ruji of the Ming Dynasty Buddhist Zen sayings "refers to the total volume of thirteen," recorded during Southern Tang Dynasty gold...

《红楼梦》第九十回"心病终须心药治,解铃还是系铃人"。或作"解铃还得系铃人"对应英文:"A dream of Red Mansions" ninetieth "heart disease have heart drug treatment, the end". Or "it is up to the end"

. . 这两句都可表示类似含义, 个人觉得 虽然到处都找的到,是...对应英文:. these two. Can be expressed similar meaning, personal feel although can be found everywhere, is...


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