

根壮树难老对应英文:The old hard strong tree root

调节枝条密度,逐步更新各类枝蔓,以使树冠饱满,通风透光,枝组年轻健壮,从而达到优质、丰产、壮树、延长经济寿命的目的。 .修剪程序先当年定植树,再二至三年生初果期...对应英文:Regulating shoot density, gradually updated various branches, so that the crown is full, the ventilation, branch group of young and strong, so as to achieve the purpose of high quality, high yield, strong tree, prolong the economic life. First year. Pruning procedure set arbor, two to three years old the first fruits...

与腐烂的农作物秸秆混合施入,同时撒入少量尿素,开挖施肥沟,破除土壤板结,雨涝时及时排水,养根壮树,这是预防杏树流胶病的根本措施。⑵树盘覆草可以增加土壤的有机质含...对应英文:And crop straw mixed decay of fertilizer, and sprinkle with a little urea, fertilizer ditch excavation, break the soil compaction, drainage waterlogging time, raise root strong tree, which is the fundamental measure to prevent almond gummosis. The tree grass cover can increase the organic matter content of the soil...

是改善土壤生态环境,养根壮树,促进树体生长发育,进而提高果品的产量和质量、减少部分越冬害虫出土为害的重要措施。对应英文:Is to improve the ecological environment of soil, raise root strong tree, promote tree growth, yield and improve fruit quality, and an important measure to reduce part of overwintering pest unearthed damage.

另外一种就是老树的复壮或者病虫害的救治如果是植株衰弱,那么也是使用萘乙酸钠盐和尿素,只是生长素用量加...突出效果,防病抗逆。促根壮树,使枝叶早生快发,有效预防在移...对应英文:Another is the old Rejuvenation or treatment of diseases and insect pests if plant is weak, so also the use of naphthylacetic acid sodium and urea, only auxin dosage... Outstanding effect, disease resistance. Promoting root growth of tree leaves, the sooner, effectively prevent the shift...

环剥宽度一般根据树龄大小、树势强弱和阴雨多少来决定,一般小树环剥宽.厘米、大树.厘米、壮树.厘米、弱树.厘米,过弱树不许环剥。遇干旱期及阴雨时,可适当加宽...对应英文:Girdling width according to the general age size, strength and rain tree to decide how much, general tree girdling width. Cm, tree. Cm, strong tree. Cm, weak tree. Cm, not too weak tree girdling. In case of drought and rainy, may be appropriate to widen...

树势强弱和开甲期雨水多少来定,一般掌握在老树甲口宽.厘米,大树.厘米,壮树.厘米,弱树.厘米。过弱树停止开甲,遇干旱期及阴雨时,可适当加宽.-.厘米。各年甲...对应英文:The strength and vigor of a period of rain to decide how much, general master in the trees a mouth wide. Cm, tree. Cm, strong tree. Cm, CM weak tree. Too weak to stop off in a tree, drought and rainy, may be appropriate to widen the. Cm. Each year a...

对于轻剪长放  ()长放法 多用于压冠期未结果的和结果少的壮树。即对密集处的辅养枝、直立枝、竞争枝进行疏间或回缩,其他枝一律长放。为了保证骨干枝正常生长,...对应英文:For the light cut long (long) method used for pressure crown period did not result and the result of less strong tree. The intensive office support branches, erect branches, branches sparsely or retraction of the competition, the other branches are long. In order to ensure the normal growth of the backbone branch,...

对于轻剪长放 ()长放法 多用于压冠期未结果的和结果少的壮树。即对密集处的辅养枝、直立枝、竞争枝进行疏间或回缩,其他枝一律长放。为了保证骨干枝正常生长,对层间...对应英文:For the light cut long (long) method used for pressure crown period did not result and the result of less strong tree. The intensive office support branches, erect branches, branches sparsely or retraction of the competition, the other branches are long. In order to ensure the normal growth of the backbone branch, interlayer...

实际证明,柿园地面覆草,对保持土壤水分、稳定低温、增加土壤有机质、促进根系生长、壮树增产有显著的作用。 、科学施肥 一是重施基肥,基肥施用以充分熟的有机肥为主...对应英文:In practice, the persimmon orchard ground cover of grass, to maintain soil moisture, temperature, increase the stability of soil organic matter, promote root growth, strong tree yield have remarkable effect. , scientific fertilization is heavy fertilizer, fertilizer with organic manure fully cooked...

逼芽一年最多可四次剪枝逼芽。从二月至九月约每两月会爆一轮芽。相对壮树而论。弱枝需养壮。可重点把弱枝向阳置盆正南方向且多叶面和侧根喷施肥。树的特性有哪面根...对应英文:Forced shoots up to a year four times to shoot pruning. From February to September about every two months will burst a bud. In terms of relative strong tree. Weak branches need to raise. But focusing on the weak branch Xiangyang the basin South and foliar and root spray fertilizer. What are the surface characteristics of root tree...


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