

比学赶帮超对应英文:Than to learn out for super

比,就是跟同行比。学,向先进学。赶,赶向进。超,尽量超过先进。对应英文:Compared with their peers than, is. To learn, to advanced science. Hurry, hurry to enter. Ultra, to surpass the advanced.

同志!用心体会!你就会灵光一闪!对应英文:Comrades! Listen! You will flash!

比一比有道理!学一学潜力快发掘!赶一赶好好干!帮一帮你也能称王!超一超我们的事业会更好!对应英文:Than the truth! Learn to explore potential fast! Hurry do a good job! Help you is king! Super - our cause will be better!

我们班级举行的"比学赶帮超"活动,给我们搭建一个认清自我、实现自我、超越自我的平台,我要抓住这个机会,实现自己的学习目标,促进自己的学习动力。我决心做到以下几个...对应英文:Our class held a "help than the school rush super" activities, give us to build a self recognition, self realization, beyond the self platform, I want to seize this opportunity, to achieve their learning goals, learning dynamic of its own. I am determined to do the following...

就是学习要有目标 同时还要互帮互助 在学习中进步 是这个意思吧对应英文:Is learning to be the target while also helping to progress in learning is this meaning

你可以花点钱找人代写,这样的话稿子质量要好一点,我可以给你推荐一个网站,你可以住看看,网址发你百度里对应英文:You can spend a little money for someone to write, so the manuscript quality a little better, I can recommend a website, you can have a look. You live, Baidu

学习技能摽一摽 赶上先进有本事 帮助别人都称道 超越大家别生骄对应英文:Learning the skills of "a" catch up with the advanced have the ability to help others praise beyond all other students

年公司比学赶帮超活动心得体会 -- 心得体会 年集团公司开展的比学赶帮超活动正在油田上下有序推开。比学赶帮超活动并不是新鲜事物。早在上世纪年代...对应英文:The company to help than the school rush super activity experience -- experience of years group company to help than the school rush super activity is orderly open fields. To help than the school rush super activity is not a new thing. Early in the last century...

三、 明确学习目的,端正学习态度,认真学好各科文化,在班内形成"比学赶帮超"的氛围。 四、 尊敬师长,团结同学。对学习有困难的同学大家要伸出援助之手,多指导,多关心...对应英文:Three, clear learning objective, correct attitude, seriously study all kinds of culture, the formation of "to help than the school rush super" atmosphere in the class. Four, respect teachers, unite classmates. The learning difficulties of students we should lend a helping hand, guidance, care...

这些都还不够"新",最新的就是学校开展了"网络作文大赛",在网上就营造出了"比学赶帮超"的学习氛围。我们这些爱写作的同学终于有"用武之地"了。在欣赏了别人的作文后,...对应英文:These are not "new", is the latest school launched "network composition contest", create "in the online help than the school rush super" atmosphere of learning. We all love writing students finally have the "play". In appreciation of the others,...

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